Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's Not Me! Monday! Visit MckMama's Blog to read about her and many other people and the things they did not do this week!

I did not go to work and see a car that I never see, a door partially opened, causing me to go inside, hesitantly, wondering if possibly, the elderly janitor was dead in my office. I did not cautiously wander through the house checking every room looking for a body.

Of course, I would never put my son in little boy underwear, just to see how cute he will look in them. Nope, not me!

While reminising on some old home videoes, I did not become teary eyed and sniffly as I listened to my (then) baby breathe so roughly. And as the camera scanned and I seen his G-tube hanging above him, I definitely did not get even more upset. I mean seriously, a movie would never make me cry like a baby.

I did not stop to take pictures on my way to work of many beautiful nature shots. I did not take over 100 pictures in 10 minutes. And I certainly was not late for work. Nope, not me!

I never cried at work when I got subpeonaed on my daughter's birthday. And I honestly didn't cry even harder that night as I cooked supper because I was so stressed out! Who me?? Never.

1 comment:

Leslie Anne said...

Wandered over from mcmama's site. Little boys in little underwear are adorable.