On my way to work this morning, I purposefully took the long way to work because I really, really wanted to get a picture of the geese standing along and beside the road. When I reached the point where the geese hang out, I had my camera in hand and my adrenaline was rushing, but as I approached, the geese were not there.
I was shocked. The geese have been there for at least a month. Many mornings I actually honk my horn at them in hopes of scaring the goose feathers right off of them making them move, instead of stare at me like I'm a weird tourist. But nope, they would stay right there. Sitting along side a highway where cars drive at least 65 miles per hour.
So as I ventured back towards my home after work, I took a shorter way home because I needed to pick up my two children from daycare. Low and behold, not prepared at all, there were geese on the road! Not the geese I was looking for, or at least I don't think they were the the geese, but I don't think they were. It's not like they have name tags on. Oh how much easier that would be.
But here these silly geese are. Standing beside the road. I figured as soon as I squealed slowed to a stop they would leave. Nope. They let me take their picture. Amazing. Almost as if they were posing.
I watched them for a few minutes and then they went into the nearby water for a break.
Quite possibly was two families because they stayed near each other like this, but in two separate clusters.
Quite possibly was two families because they stayed near each other like this, but in two separate clusters.
Still watching to see what I was doing.
Then tonight after a mild thunderstorm, as I was sitting upstairstwiddling my thumbs messing around on the laptop, the sky became very bright. I looked out my window and witnessed the most beautiful rainbow. It was actually a double rainbow. I ran downstairs and told the girls and the hubby to come with me. We grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures, standing there in our pajamas and all. Well, me anyhow. We could see the whole rainbow, but I could not get the whole thing in one picture. I really need to figure out how to do a panoramic picture.
Then tonight after a mild thunderstorm, as I was sitting upstairs
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