Tuesday, July 28, 2009

creepy crawlies

While at the lake this past weekend, my children decided to bring me all the creepy crawlies they could find, dead or alive. I seen my share of fish bones, crawdad (is that what they're called) skeletons, snails, grubs and toads. Eeeeeek. Here is Shaylee's snail.

Shawndra's toad. She really wanted to keep it. She was begging and pleading with her dad to keep it. I'm glad I wasn't a big part of that conversation. I think they knew when mom says "no" then mom means NO. Ha!
Just another view of the clever toad. I think Jayden ended up letting him go...I hope.
And last, but certainly not least the most disgusting is Joseph's grub. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

Are you a follower of MckMama's blogs and Tweets, like I am. If you are, then you already know the good news. If you aren't, the good news follows. Stellan is out of immediate danger according to MckMama. He is still very, very sick and awaiting his trip to Boston yet. They are currently at Children's Hospital in Minnesota. Hopefully they can get him there tomorrow. Stellan has already had one ablation in Boston. He needs another one, which could possibly lead to open heart surgery and a pacemaker. He still needs prayers.

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