Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Only I could get strung out, stressed and overwhelmed because of my wipers. Seriously...leave it to me.

Last year my work van was in the shop three times getting the wipers fixed. Well low and behold it snowed this past week and now my wipers are acting up again. And this time, the whole darn wiper tore requiring a new one.

No big deal, right?

I head to the store, find the wipers, but no book to determine the size. So I go to customer service to ask for help. Some guy comes and says he'd check in back. There was no book and he had no clue what size I needed. I can't blame him. That's the reason there's usually a book to look at to find the size.

I go to the second store, fewer wipers to choose from. No book. No one around to help. I leave.

I go to a dealership, to the parts department. They don't have the wipers. They have to special order them and they would take 2-3 days. Really? By this time, I've spent half my life a good hour searching for wipers.

Finally, stressed out and running late, I hurry back to the office and ask where else I can go because I need to be able to charge them. That's how this job works. Everywhere I go, I charge things. They send me to NAPA.

NAPA fixed my problem and even put them on my van AND offered nice conversation. They were amused by the fuss I had gone to trying to find my wipers.

Anyhow, after losing 8 hours of office time to the holiday yesterday (no I'm not complaining about a paid holiday) I was finding myself in a time crunch to get everything done. I have a pile of work to do at the office. But it will still be there tomorrow and the next day or until I get it done.

Those darn wipers had me in such a frenzy. Geez.

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