Friday, October 9, 2009

pilot cars

If you follow me on Twitter, then you know my patience for pilot cars has been growing thin lately, especially when I am already running late for a date for a weekly home visit.
I was lucky enough to sit and wait, passing my time Tweeting, talking on the phone, and snapping pictures of the "Pilot Car Follow Me" signs. I mean, what else was I supposed to do? I thought about getting out and chatting with the girl with the sign, but that surely would have been a sign to put me away in a straight-jacket.
So instead, I talked on the phone to Kathy, told her I was taking pictures of stop signs and pilot cars and was going to post about it. Now isn't that exciting?! It doesn't get much better than that. Well, unless somebody comes into your house to use your bathroom while you aren't that can be exciting.

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