Friday, October 9, 2009

before and after

Spur of the moment today, I decided for the last time that I really hated the bushes outside the front of the house. So Mike and I went outside and started trimming. This is how awful things looked before we started.
Lots of trimming with the clippers. We wished we had a hedge trimmer to make the tops a bit more evening, but we did our best, making piles of branches, twigs, and leaves all over.
Upon completion, this is what it looks like. Yes, the bushes look much better. Now since we've been living here for a year, we probably should paint that one window. Aye yi yi. We had that window put in when we moved in and still haven't gotten around to painting the wood around it. I guess it's a bit more noticeable now.
And then we decided we really didn't like the dried up ugly bushes, so we cut them out of there completely. Now next spring, we'll have to pull the rocks out and redo the landscaping.

I would really like to get rid of the bushes completely, but since I have little talent in the area of landscaping, I'm not sure what we'll do. We've managed to do little odds and ends all summer. Now next year, bigger projects are in store.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Wow! What a difference! Next time, get the right tools-it'll save your muscles. Looks good! Two thumbs up Mike & Val!