Sunday, August 29, 2010

fair skin

I am so albino compared to the rest of my family. I was just sitting here looking at my blog picture at the top of the page and as I was staring at our feet, I really looked at my legs. Oh. My. Gosh! My legs are so white. I carefully scanned to the top of my body and then left to right as I looked at everyone else and it's really quite incredible if you ask me.

I used to tell people I was blonde hair, blue eyed and fair skinned. Well now I don't think I can even say I'm blonde because the stuff growing out of my head certainly isn't light colored! What happened? My roots are darker than chocolate! In my picture, I can get away with saying my hair is lighter colored than what the roots say, but after Saturday, I will not say that anymore as I am going back to my darker roots for a more natural look this winter. I always do this. Lighter in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Back to my fair skin, my daughter holds her arm up to Mike's and they are very similar. She didn't even have to get near me to see how much I glowed. It's crazy. I am SO fair. And the funniest part of being fair skinned like this is if you actually seen me naked (which you don't want to do) I have a tan! I have a beautiful farmer's tan on my arms and face and a slight tan on my legs. But looking at the picture you wouldn't think so. Geez.

By the way, I don't tan. I can't tan and I don't even try. If I go out in the sun without sunscreen, I will burn terribly bad. So I wear sunscreen. Sometimes I don't, in hopes of getting a tan after the burn, but for me, the burn which is red turns right back to white when it's done.

Maybe in my second life I will be blessed with the ability to get that golden bronzed look. :-)

1 comment:

Kath- said...

LOL!!! I so remember from kids. I was the dark hair dark skin girl and you would get so mad cause you would even try and you would be a tomato