Sunday, January 17, 2010


I don't get football. I've tried to get it. I've watched it like I'm interested...well, rarely. However, having a husband who loves the Vikings, I do manage to hear some of the game. Typically I'm sitting with my laptop while he watches the game. Just like now. Which is why I'm tweeting so much and blogging so much.

Want to hear a funny story? I knew you did. If you don't, then don't read it. How's that? Ok, anyhow.

A few weeks ago, I was getting dressed for the day and jokingly asked my husband what color underwear to wear. He blurts out, "purple" because I am! I asked him why purple? And he said he didn't know at one point and then he said because purple looks good on me. Seriously? I remember giving him the look like he was crazy and he was acting really strange.

We headed to a family Christmas and while standing in the kitchen everyone was listening to the Vikings. The place we were at was not a house, but a church, so there were no tv's to actually watch the game. I laughed at him and asked if he remembered to record it. He said, no, but that's ok and started to laugh. I couldn't figure out what was so funny. Well, a few minutes later, he says and you wondered why I wanted you to wear purple underwear! My jaw hit the floor.

Back to football. I'm sitting here on my laptop and my hubby keeps making me "watch this", or "check out this hit". So I look at the tv, and I don't even have a clue which person to watch! Heck, I usually can't figure out where the ball is unless it happens to be someone out in the lead with a few guys following. I think that's a touchdown in the works. Ok, so I'm not totally dumb when it comes to football.

I get more amused by the Cowboys coach who has man boobs, or the facial expressions of the coaches, or when they hide their mouths with a clipboard so you can't read their lips, or just the guys in the tight spandex. Ok, enough about that.

Have I ever told you that Favre is pronounced "Favor" in my world? Yes, I realize this is not correct, but it's so much more amusing to say the names wrong and poke a little fun at him.

Anyhow, I'm ready for this season to be over. I wonder what will replace football?

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