Saturday, December 5, 2009


Mike and I made our way to town today to do a few errands and of course make the weekendly stop at Wal-Mart. Once we finished our shopping there, we decided we needed an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen. Ok, I decided we needed a cone because he didn't care. Although, he didn't have to take me there because I was a passenger.

But, alas, he did.

We stopped in the turning lane and looked over at the entrance. Mike said, "Looks kind of rough.". Dairy Queen is known to get a nasty rutty bumpy slushy entrance if there is ever an snow. Our shining moment came and Mike says "Ready? Let's go!" We hit the first bump kind of slow and slid into the next and then it happened. Stopped cold. Half in the driveway, half on 22nd Ave. (22nd Ave is a very busy road in our town.)

Mike threw it in reverse and all we could here is the high pitched sound of spinning tires on ice. After moving briefly back, he threw it back forward and we were officially stuck. All I could do is watch the cars coming at me, hoping they would stop or move to the next lane, or else they were going to take off my rear end. My car's rear end that is.

The smell of burning tires was nauseating. I started to get a little ticked about the smell of my tires. I didn't want them wrecked. Can you wreck a tire from spinning them, heck, I don't know??

Mike finally got out and I got in the driver's seat. I did what I was told. I went forward and backwards and left and right and turned my tires and turned my tires the other way, but nothing worked. I watched a pick-up slide to a stop near my back end. Then miraculously, a cop showed up to block traffic. Then a few guys showed up. And a gal.

At this time, there are 3 guys, 1 gal, my husband, and a police officer trying to get us out of there. Pushing forwards, pushing backwards, pushing forwards, finally led us to a sideways position where we were gaining ground and before long, we popped out onto dry land, said our thank yous to the people who helped and then laughed. I did anyhow. It was a laugh from feeling like a complete idiot to a laugh from thinking did that really just happen?

All that for an ice cream cone. An ice cream cone that wasn't even that great. Sigh.

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