Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT go to Wal-Mart to buy ingredients specifically for a smoothie and then make it a few days later just to hate the taste of it. Not something I would do because I am NOT a picky eater by any means.

I did NOT under any circumstances consider taking a picture of my son’s “grass green” diaper just to put on this post. Thankfully, the camera was packed up and put away because I know you did NOT want to see a vivid picture such as that.

I did NOT talk to our family doctor or see him in person at least 4 times this week. And the receptionist does NOT know it’s me by the sound of my voice before I even say my name because we do NOT frequently visit the clinic on a weekly basis. Nope, not me!

After having a brand new windshield installed in my car, I most certainly did NOT hear an abundance of wind noise coming through every section of it. And I did NOT call my husband to tell him he better call them and get it fixed because the sound is absolutely ridiculous. I would never, ever do that.

Whenever I’m meeting a semi-truck, I NEVER grimace or hug the shoulder out of fright. And I’m NEVER afraid another rock will nail my windshield and crack it again.

I did NOT get 8 miles into my commute to work to realize I didn’t have a box full of stuff I needed. Of course, I did NOT turn around and drive the 8 miles back to my house and then head back to work again with my box. And as I was just pulling into town (33 minutes later) my husband definitely did NOT call me and say, “I don’t know if this will make a difference or not, but I just got into my van and pulled your coat out and your keys fell out.” Well of course, my ONLY set of office and work vehicle keys were NOT on that keychain. At that minute, I did NOT whip into a parking lot, turn around, and head back towards home to try to meet my husband somewhere on the road. Nope, certainly NOT something I would do!

While I was NOT backtracking for the 2nd time this morning, I did NOT find myself in a conversation with a radio dj for 5 minutes. I really did NOT go off on a tangent about my own experiences at weddings when he was asking about his. And I NEVER heard the sound of my voice on the radio because that would just make me giggle. This moment did NOT help put me in a lighter mood again. After this whole conversation, I did NOT ever, NOT even once, ponder how many people recognized that was me.

So there you have it, now what did you NOT do this week? Now’s your chance to NOT admit it!


Unknown said...

whew! what a morning commute! I think at that point, I'd have just driven back home and crawled back into bed! haha!!

Hope your day improved!

Happy Not Me! Monday!

Mrs. Frogster said...

ok, this just cracked me up! You sure were busy! happy not me monday!