Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nothing New

I took the girls into town today and bought them some summer clothes. We hit up JcPenney, Maurices, and Trendz, but didn't have much luck there. The girls have to try everything on in order to find things that fit. It would certainly be nice if they could just wear a typical size and I could buy stuff as I find it, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

We also worked on the yard. I guess I didn't help much today. Mike did an amazing job and spent all day taking care of the leaves. We have a large yard, so it's definitely time consuming to do this. I think the deck might be out next project. There are a couple of boards that are starting to rot, so they need to be replaced and then the whole thing needs to be stained.

I took Jayden for a bike ride this afternoon. I knew I was out of shape, but holy cow. I rode around town and when I got tired I decided to head home.....INTO the wind. Yep, silly me I didn't realize the "slight" wind was going to be strenuous on my way home. But we made it! I also met an elderly neighbor on the way home. She was sure sweet and enjoyable to talk to.

Grandma and grandpa came by on their Harley Davidson's. Shaylee wanted to know if they were coming to give them a ride and she said, "Shawndra, you'll have to ride with grandma because I always ride with grandpa." It was at that point that I said they weren't coming to give rides and besides, "Nobody rides with grandma, ever." Nothing against my mom by any means, but Craig said it best, "You have a hard enough time not tipping over alone." Haha! I love you mom!

The kids are making new friends around the neighbor hood now that the weather is nice. The bikes have come out of the shed and the days are spent outside. Now I see it's supposed to rain almost all week. Just our luck, right?

Anyhow, there's no picture for today. Just an update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you, too!