Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT find myself in a situation at Wal-Mart where the customers were like "insects coming out of the woodwork on a hot sunny day" and my fellow co-workers did not start referring to them as "insects" for the rest of the day. I would NOT have done something so silly as that.

I also did NOT drive through 15 inches of deep water, just to see if I could make it to the other side, rather than go the long way around to get home. And I did NOT take any pictures of the deep water before taking on this adventure.

While on a shopping trip in Sioux Falls, I definitely did NOT talk to people who were in their vehicles with their windows down while stopped at stop lights and I obviously did NOT make them laugh.

I did NOT crack up at someone who put their license tags on sideways on their vehicle and I really really really didn't take a picture of it. Hint...scroll down to NOT see what I'm talking about.

And finally, I did NOT wake up with a tongue and mouth so dry it felt like sandpaper that made my husband tell me I had a cat tongue because that would just be NOT perfect like I so am NOT.

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