Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We all headed to Sioux Falls yesterday bright in early, in the freezing rain. We passed two cars that were in the ditch. One still had dealer tags, and the other a long trailer behind it.

Our kids, yes all six, had dentist appointments yesterday morning. I wasn't sure how Jayden would do since he has not been pleased with the dentist in the past. He's never had his teeth cleaned and has only been able to get a lap to lap exam. I figured that's how this appointment would go too.

He was quite hesitant to go back, he said no a few times, he tried to turn and walk away, but after he got back through the first doors, I didn't see him again until he was done. Yes, done. As in, he got his teeth cleaned and even got x-rays! I'm so proud of him. I'm sure that was tough on him and scary for him, but he did great. So did the other kids, but they always do.

I bribed Jayden. I told him he could pick out a toy at the store if he went back and did what the dentist said. Best news of the day, none of our kids have cavities! The dentist was wondering when we were going to get Shawndra's teeth pulled for braces. I didn't realize there was time frame on when it had to be done. It always comes down to financial reasons why we are waiting. The monthly payment for braces is quite spendy and frankly, not something we can afford. Hopefully in time that will change.

We went to the store and Jayden looked and looked, but couldn't decide what he wanted. It ended up being overwhelming for him and he threw a tantrum, so we left. I did pick up a toy for his birthday next month.

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