Thursday, November 11, 2010

the big tree, part 2

Here are some more pictures of the Christmas tree Mike hauled out to Pierre.

He said when they got there they said that was a big tree, but they only needed the tree to be 28 foot, so they had to cut it down.

And this was the leftovers they didn't need.

This is the final tree after it was all cut up. Mike said it was going to lay there until Friday and then they would take it inside and set it up.


Anonymous said...

I think we should take a Saturday trip out to see it when it is all decorated! Could say hi to Beth and Gail while we are there. Awesome job, Mike!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I stumbled across your blog and am intrigued, especially since Pierre is very familair to us. We lived in Cherry Creek on the Cheyenne River rez as a missionary family for three years. We're now back in Pa for 9 years. Next Sunday we will be in Pierre, headed for Cherry Creek!!!!! Can not wait to see beautiful South Dakota again!!!! Blessings!