Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

In all of my freetime, haha, I follow many different blogs. One of my favorites is from MckMama. She invented the Not Me Monday. Here goes my first!

I did not eat a Twix before eating my lunch. And I did not finish eating the 2nd Twix while carrying my lunch to the table!

I did not send my kids outside to play in the snow for hopes of a few minutes of quiet. And I was not bummed when they came back in saying the snowpants and boots were still in the van, which is not at home.

I did not just spend over 30 minutes trying to figure out how to add MckMama's button to this post. And I most certainly did not giggle to myself when I found the link button up top. Haha.

Yesterday I definitely did not drool over my friends pictures from the Bahamas. And I did not wish I was there, AT ALL. I'm glad I was here in a blizzard.

I did not go to Wal-Mart today with no makeup or crusted up tears on my face. And oh, no, never, did I not cry while cutting an onion. I did not spend an hour this morning cutting celery, potatoes, ham, onions, and beans to make homemade soup to find it stinking so bad it had to be removed to the garage to cook. Oh and I did not have a back up plan in case this stuff is not edible.

Finally, I did not chase my cat around the house while spraying air freshener in the air. And my husband most definitely did not try to help chase the cat.


Crystal said...

I soooo want to start doing this but haven't found the motivation!!!

Wayne said...

I could't stop laughing about the twix. great not me monday

LucieP said...
