Monday, April 5, 2010


I've decided to rename Monday. I'm flipping the first 3 letters with the last 3 letters and calling it Daymon. Why? Well, Monday's are no fun and I don't like saying the word Monday. Today I decided to call it Daymon because today was evil and I think when you say Daymon fast it sounds like demon. Hence the change.

Today was definitely a Daymon.

I went to Walmart and got a key cut, took it back to work, tried to unlock the door with the new key and it didn't work. I went back to Walmart and got the key cut again, took it back to work, tried to unlock the door with the new key and it didn't work. Do you see a pattern? Well Walmart decided they weren't going to try again because they didn't see anything wrong with the key, even though the key wouldn't even go in the door. Walmart failed epically.

So I decide to go to Ace. I'm on the phone venting about my day because it wasn't going well anyhow and I was annoyed and stressed about the stupid key situation. I park at Ace and realize I don't have my purse. Seriously! So my boss tells me I can use a purchase order, thank goodness! But, get this! As I'm walking about 5 feet from the van, I find a $10 bill in the road! That made my Daymon much better. Plus, the key worked!

The rest of the day continued to go downhill. Mike's truck decided it was going to overheat (again), so it took him forever to get home. He had to keep stopping to try to get it to cool down. Then he spent the entire night fixing it, which we believe he did. I'm so glad he's mechanically inclined to do this stuff. It saves us big money in labor!!

Anyhow, Daymon is over and tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully better.....even though it is an 11 hour day for me....

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