Sunday, May 22, 2011

backyard birds

This morning I heard a chirping bird that didn't sound familiar. Mike thought it was coming from my computer because we have been following the Decorah Bald Eagles for over a month now. If you haven't heard of these eagles, it's a group that has attached cameras to trees so you can watch the nest. The babies are about 6 weeks old now and are over 2 feet tall. Anyhow, when we are watching the eaglecam we can hear the chirping and that's what we thought it was.

However, my computer had shut down, so the bird was outside. This is the little fellow that was in one of our apple trees.

You can see him chirping here. It was a neat sound. I have no idea what he is, maybe a finch of some type?
Then earlier in the week, our love birds came back. I have seen them on our playset in the backyard every summer.

1 comment:

Kath- said...

Remember Mama and Papa my morning doves growing up?? That pic reminded me of them.