Monday, April 20, 2009

Blah. Computers.

Hi. Well, I'm not able to update my blog because my laptop has taken a turn for the worse and has gone to the doctor. I went to load it yesterday and it went to some ancient looking Windows 95 screen with tons of pop ups saying certain things couldn't be found. Plus all of my icons on my desktop were gone, ate up, missing, no where to be found. I shut it down and tried to load it up again, except now it's even worse. It can't find my user profile. I can't even log in. Blah. Computers and technology just suck sometimes. SO, what does this mean? Well, it means you will only see verbal updates, with no pictures until it returns from the doctor and hopefully feels better.

Speaking of doctors....

Shaylee and I spent 5 1/2 hours in the ER last night. Along with half of Brookings. No, seriously, the ER was full all night. They even had to put patients in the hallway! Anyhow, to make a very long drawn out story, not quite so long, Shaylee has been suffering from severe stomach aches now and then, but consistently for 8 days. However, all the tests they have run say she's fine and none of the medicines help with pain. Not even Vicodin. Yikes! We did have a few laughs in the the guy who kept passing gas next to us. I could keep a straight face, but a 10 year old, that's hard. Or the "lost testicle" that the doctor "can't find" and then hearing my daughter say, "what's a testicle?". Ha! Well, at least at that point some sleepy pain meds started to kick in so we could avoid another puberty lesson. I sure hope they found it though...sounded painful.

Anyhow, that's it for now. I'm sure I'll be back later or tomorrow with something new! :-)

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