Sunday, June 20, 2010

baby bunny

We were shopping at Wal-Mart today and the kids called saying they caught a baby bunny after Sophie had chased it and bit it. We got home and they had it in a box with some water and grass. It's a cute little thing, but it does have a puncture wound on the back of it's neck. At this point, we're not sure what we are going to do with it. Here is Jayden looking at it for the first time.
He was very curious about it and petted it so nicely.
Perky little ears!
Jayden insisted on holding it. He did such a nice job treating it so gently.
Allie let the bunny rest next to her. Isn't that amazing?!
She sniffed the bunny and acted like she wanted to care for it.
The kids said they found it in the window well and then Sophie got it. We cannot find the nest or any other babies. Hopefully the little thing recovers.

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