On my way to work this morning, I purposefully took the long way to work because I really, really wanted to get a picture of the geese standing along and beside the road. When I reached the point where the geese hang out, I had my camera in hand and my adrenaline was rushing, but as I approached, the geese were not there.
I was shocked. The geese have been there for at least a month. Many mornings I actually honk my horn at them in hopes of scaring the goose feathers right off of them making them move, instead of stare at me like I'm a weird tourist. But nope, they would stay right there. Sitting along side a highway where cars drive at least 65 miles per hour.
So as I ventured back towards my home after work, I took a shorter way home because I needed to pick up my two children from daycare. Low and behold, not prepared at all, there were geese on the road! Not the geese I was looking for, or at least I don't think they were the the geese, but I don't think they were. It's not like they have name tags on. Oh how much easier that would be.
But here these silly geese are. Standing beside the road. I figured as soon as I squealed slowed to a stop they would leave. Nope. They let me take their picture. Amazing. Almost as if they were posing.
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