Jayden woke up this morning and came out of his room quietly, so quietly that I did not hear him. Let's just say, he found something to occupy his time. He usually wakes me up, but not today.
This was the first view coming down the stairs. Cat food everywhere. It was an entire bag of food dumped out, throw on top of the freezer, behind it, under it, under the furnace, ducts, you name it. It was everywhere.

Then I turned into the laundry room and found this mess. Baskets and white powder everywhere. The white powder was my brand new box of laundry soap that I opened last night.

Garbage was thrown inside my laundry baskets along with laundry soap.

He spread it all over the counter where clothes are usually folded.

This is looking in from the garage door. He was a very busy little boy.

He spread the laundry soap on top of the washer, behind it and beside it.

Then I discovered the laundry soap was in the shoe rack and inside the shoes.

Shoes were literally buried in laundry soap. It was the biggest mess I'd ever seen.

I moved the basket away and snapped another picture of the soap that was everywhere.

The laundry basket had inches of soap in them along with garbage.

He played in the soap on the counter. I planned to brush it back into the box and try to salvage what I could, but....

when I got to looking at it closer, I knew my soap didn't have blue specks and balls in it. That's when I found the empty box of Color Safe Bleach. He had dumped out both boxes and mixed them together, then played in it.

Slowly making progress. The girls were great at helping me clean up. They tackled the cat food while I tackled the other mess.

Over an hour later, many times sweeping and scraping, dustpans filling, buckets of water for mopping, the laundry room is again clean.
Someone should really watch this boy. Geez.
Im sorry but I got a good laugh out of that post, okay many! I showed Sean and he was grinning but I was again laughing. He proceeds to ask why I think it is so funny. Duh it didn't happen to me!! OMG Val I can't even imagine it would have to be one of those you laugh it off.
Oh, soo glad that was your child not mine...I laughed when I saw the older girls cleaning...I'm sure they were not at all happy with him either....glad to know this happens to others....Marcus did this too me with Jello and pudding packs...for the longest time I would get red streaks (from the Red Jello packs) coming out from under the fridge when I would mop....that was soo irritating.....and would bring the whole mess clear back in my mind again--I don't think you forget that stuff....it just gets replaced by new messes. Maggies love is the dog food and water...it really should be not in the bowl and really should be scattered about the floor in all the rooms...that is how dogs should really eat according to 22 month old Mags.
That's funny you mention dog food Carissa. Jayden thinks the dog food should be put in the dog's water. He also thinks the cat food should be in the litter box.
And the red stuff...yuck. I had something happen with "blue" and for the life of me could not figure out what/how it happened!
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