I've had some butter sitting out on the counter for about a week now waiting to be used for cookies. Well, today I finally decided to make some simple chocolate chip cookies. Next weekend I will start making holiday goodies for Christmas. So if anyone has a good roll out sugar cookie recipe, I would love for you to share it with me!

The cookies are good, but could someone please tell me why they are so cotton-picking thin? I used the correct ingrediants, nothing is expired, but they still are flat! The only thing I can think of is the butter was too soft?

In all seriousness, how do you make cookies that are fluffy or have more depth to them? Because my cookies today sure look sad.
Hey Val! I'm guessing it isn't the butter...I made cookies last week and I tend to take it straight from the fridge and microwave it until half of it is a greasy puddle. haha. Did you put it on the cookie sheet in round globby (yes, today globby is a word. I did make it up, but pretty sure it is most appropriate in this sentence...it's like gobs, but not) balls of dough? That's what I did and everything turned out really well. My cookies were actually soft, which never happens.
Ya they were globby. I use a Pampered Chef stone and the scoop from them also. Same way I always make them. Usually I just have the butter out for a couple of hours.
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