Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
lesson learned
As if that wasn't bad enough, then I turn to go to the daycare's house and Mike calls and says he's there. So I traveled faster than normal, ended up losing time being stuck behind that slow car, and finally didn't even need to pick up the kids because he was there. Ugh.
Home I went, saying a few select words. Nothing like rushing for no good reason. Lesson learned.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Not Me! Monday

When my youngest son was waking up this weekend and hollering for his "daddy", I did not poke and prod him (daddy) proclaiming that his son wanted him because I would never ever use that word to my advantage on a chilly morning where I could sleep in. That would be silly.
While eating lunch with my mother, I was not patiently waiting for her to do some silly random act that would make us laugh hysterically because my mother would never do something like that. So when she cut into a small tomato and juices squirted her in the face and up and down her shirt, I really didn't bust into tears from laughter. And others in the cafe were not equally amused watching us laugh.
I would never hide tampons in a postal service bag to give to my friend when she needed them because I couldn't find something discreet to hide them in. That would be absurd, why not just hand them to her?
I did not get "bleacher butt" so bad from watching volleyball that I wanted to walk straight out of the gym bent over and go soak in a tub.
I did not under any circumstances think a dead, fat skunk on the side of the road was the cutest thing I'd ever seen simply because it was so fat. Nope, not me!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
i think we're healthy!
I think we're healthy! Flu healthy that is. No puking, no diarrhea. It's been happy eats for everyone! We even had Pizza Hut tonight.
Now we're just moving on to the runny noses, sore throats, and occasional coughs. Hopefully this leaves quickly as well.
I see I've been bad at posting pictures. I better be careful or Kathy is gonna get on my case about that one. Maybe I'll find a little something for tomorrow. :-)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
date night
Then we cruised the big block, thought about going into the bar for a drink, but decided to go home. We're definitely not bar people. Next discussion...what church do we go to tomorrow? Hmmmmm.
Friday, September 25, 2009

I find it very challenging and exhausting to be a parent to six children, four of whom are my step children. I am exhausted from having no days or weekends without kids, no offers to baby-sit from family, and maybe the empty promises from their mother. I'm tired of them being sick for the past week.
I am exhausted at the thought of buying groceries every week, filling up two carts full, spending over $300 and still not knowing what to cook for supper. I really hate grocery shopping and more than that, I really hate putting them away. Groceries are expensive and money is something we have not a lot of.
When supper time rolls around, it's not a simple, let's whip something together and call it good. There are six children here, which means, we cook for an entire herd. I'm talking 8 chicken breasts on the grill, or 8 steaks, or an entire box of pancake mix (which leaves no leftovers), or 3 dozen eggs on the griddle, or 16 grilled cheese sandwiches. It's exhausting! I remember not to long ago someone was over visiting at she wanted her camera along to take pictures of the process of supper at our house. Amusing to outsiders, exhausting for parents.
I find myself saying the same things over and over to my kids, to realize it goes right out the other ear, if it even went in the first ear. It's depressing, irritating and annoying to have six little children in this house and have to deal with zero listening skills for days on end. I have had the talk with them, we have had the talk with them. It's so frustrating.
I'm sick of driving to Madison to work. I'm sick of being treated like crap by somebody above me at work and watching that person get away with it, time and time again. I look in the classifieds every single night, hoping for a different job, that's closer to home. I'm tired of waiting for September to roll around to see if we got our grant, so we can decide if my job will move to Brookings...because September has been here for 25 days and we still haven't heard anything.
I really get annoyed by people who drive 45mph down a busy highway when I can't pass because there is too much oncoming traffic. Speed limit is 65, is it that hard to push down on the gas and quit causing a huge bottleneck behind them? I guess so.
It feels like my house is always a mess or that we're always cleaning, but since nobody can pick up after themselves, it's just a vicious cycle that never ends. I swear I should just throw out all the clutter, toys, puzzles, books, shoes, coats, backpacks, clothes, and blankets, and then, just maybe my house would be clean! We hung handy dandy little hooks at the low height for backpacks and coats. One for each child. But for some reason, it's easier to just throw them down on the floor, right in the doorway.
I'm tired of my step-children's mother, who is in prison and has been for the past year, making empty promises to the kids on a fairly regular basis. The fact that she says she'll call and doesn't. She says she'll start paying child support and doesn't. She says she gets out of prison on a certain date and won't, she tries to take us all on her roller-coaster ride by bringing up all the bad stuff from the past, or saying we don't try, when we do. Look at what we do! Look at what we do for your kids while you sit in prison. I'm tired of telling them they can't do all the extracurricular activities outside of school because we can't afford it.
I think I just need a break. I think we need a break. We used to get those breaks every other weekend before she went to prison and now we don't. And now it's finally taking a toll on me. I'm tired. I'm exhausted.
If you've made it this far, thanks for hearing me out. I think I'm just extra sensitive because of my sore throat, too. Now I'm going to put on a smile, open my very tired eyes, and put one foot in front of the other and begin the same routine I do every night.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Our family is needing prayers tonight as many of us are battling the flu. Three of our kids have had it and now it seems I am getting it. It's been a week now and we are really wanting to get better.
sleeping near trains
Well, I better get ready for work. Have a great day.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
And on a totally random side note, I still want to know why I don't have a FONT or SIZE option anymore. Any of my fellow bloggers having this same problem? Would love to hear if yours is missing as well.
D'OH! Never mind! I found it. Apparently I was in the Edit HTML section instead of composing. You know, this has caused me issues in the past with pictures too. I swear, some days I shake my head at myself. Seriously. And today is one of them.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday, not so fun day
Anyhow, we are now on 3/6 kids who are puking and have diarrhea. Guess the flu is going full force in our house. I'm just hoping it doesn't hit me. I can't afford to miss work. My job is too hard to make up when I'm gone.
I typically do my Not Me! Monday post on Mondays, but today I didn't. I haven't taken the time to actually work on it this week to make it a good one and I didn't feel like scrambling tonight to do one. I figured cooking, cleaning, and laundry were a front runner instead.
I'm interested to see what tomorrow brings. This flu comes quick. Like...lightning quick. One minute they're fine and the next minute they puke. Well anyhow, I hope everyone had a good Monday and is not experiencing this flu that is hitting so fast.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Obama's Thoughts on Kanye West
Sorry I couldn't get the full screen to show Obama, but it just cracked me up to see him joke around and get a wee bit nervous.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
what are you doing
In all seriousness, he is doing much better. The puking has finally ceased, but the nose is running like a faucet now and he's a bit weak and lethargic. He has been drinking Gatorade and ate some toast and a banana. So far so good.
I have got a lot of laundry done today? I mean, the washer and dryer were going all night trying to keep up the little man. Now today, I'm playing catch up with the clothes, while the rest of the family enjoys themselves at the wedding.
It sure is quiet around here though. Just Jayden and I. Kind of peaceful in a surreal world if you know what I mean.
What did you do today? Don't be shy, leave a comment.
Friday, September 18, 2009
wow what a day
Might look normal to the naked eye, right? Except the white hose shouldn't be white. Mike's first words were, "oh my". So he starts tearing apart the dash or glove box, heck I don't know, I was too busy looking at the trash, corn, kids, road, traffic, and snapping pictures of course.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
note to self
Corrections have been made. Posts should now be in the correct order, as they should be. Whew!
shaylee volleyball
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
shawndra volleyball
Getting ready to bump the ball.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Not Me! Monday
Did you stay in your pajamas all day yesterday? Did your kids eat cereal for supper? If you did, or did other things you don't want to admit to, now is your chance. Join in for Not Me Monday. It's great therapy. Head over to MckMama's blog to see what other people have not done this week.
Yesterday surely was not a lazy day. I did not wait until 5pm to get into the shower and actually begin the day.
After spending several hundred dollars at the grocery store, I did not stand in front of the cupboards, fridge, and freezer, trying desperately to figure out what was for supper.
I did not gag in my throat when my son's hair fell onto my hand during a haircut. I mean that's down right silly, just because it wasn't attached to his head anymore.
I did not join Weight Watchers for the bajillionth time this past week. Except this time, even though I didn't join, will be the final time.
While at work, driving down the road in town, I most certainly, did not stop to investigate a turtle on the road and proceed to take my shoe off by it to show how big it is. And I never pushed on it with my foot while standing right beside it to later learn that it was a snapping turtle. Nope, not me!!
I never went to the furniture store and spontaneously buy an entire bedroom set right on the spot, with no hesitations or thoughts on. That would be done right absurd! Seriously!
I am not a hair stylist by any means, which is why I really really didn't cut my daughters hair because it needed it so badly.
Ok, so there you have it. Another Monday is here. Are you ready to join in the fun?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
where's jayden
Friday, September 11, 2009
Oh my gosh!!
Never, did I realize how fast a snapping turtle could move, jump, bite, or whatever it is they do. I was awestruck by the fact that I seriously could have gotten attacked by a turtle! Note to self...lesson learned...don't provoke a snapping turtle, for it might provoke me back.
Then, I am picking up Jayden and Devin from daycare. Jayden is being his cute self, saying bye, and pointing out things that he knows the words too. Jayden is deathly afraid of flies. He panics and cries and literally freaks out. Walking to the car, in his bright yellow tank top and shorts, he sees a bee buzzing around my bumper. I am deathly afraid of bees. So I'm politely trying to hurry him along, "come on Jayden", "come on, let's go", "let's get in your seat". But he's poking along at a leisurely pace watching that bee. And me, I'm about freaking out praying that it won't come in the car, and what if it does, then what will I do?! He finally came, and the bee left and it didn't come into the car. And I was soooo thankful!!
Yesterday must have been my day to deal with nature or something. I thought it was a crazy day, but maybe it was all the other "happenings" that were going on as well.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
tanning turtle in town?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
bigger kittens
Monday, September 7, 2009
spontaneous decision
This weekend, at the state fair, I met a very lovable little puppy, a Basset Hound puppy, a puppy that loved me, slept on my chest, nuzzled my chin, and he was the breed of puppy I have always wanted. Innocent and sweet he was. He was soft, snugly, and he was light tan and white, which means he was beyond any type of cute I have ever seen.
Today, Mike and I headed into Brookings for a date lunch, or a lunch date if you prefer it that way or if you follow me on twitter, you would understand the point of a lunch date or a date lunch. We haven't been on an actual date in forever. Seriously.
We headed to town, ate lunch, and went to Slumberland. I really wanted to see what kind of Labor Day sales were going on and look at bedroom furniture, captains beds for Devin, and just see what other good buys were there.
We've been talking about getting a King size bed for quite some time now, especially since our bedroom is huge and could easily fit that size. So we looked at several different bedroom sets, tried laying on lots of mattresses and basically decided on a bed we liked. It was so comfortable. But if we were going to buy a king size bed, then we had to buy a new frame, and a new headboard, which lead us to buying, well, an entire bedroom set for our bedroom.
Those aren't cheap anymore. Not that they ever were. But we got an awesome deal. So in about 8 weeks, hopefully it will be here. I guess Christmas came early at our house!
So, this spontaneous decision has led me to feeling a bit unsure of it. We had intended on looking, not necessarily buying. However, it led to more than just looking. I think we will be entirely happy when it's here and when we can repaint the ugly walls. Ugh. (that's a whole 'nother post). Let's just say, my dream colors for my bedroom are NOT at all what I like now. Oh well, new paint, new bedroom set, new bed. Yay!
All in all, I said no to the adorable puppy, but could not say no the bedroom set. I guess the spontaneity in me will always be there and sometimes it may feel right, and sometimes it may not.
loving the animals
Sunday, September 6, 2009
busy busy
I pulled out the art tote and organized all the junk into drawers for markers, crayons, pencils, glue, scissors, and colored pencils. Then I tackled our pantry and organized those drawers and shelves, which made room for more canned foods. The bad thing about my pantry is the garbage is on the other side of it, so I'm leery to use it for anything other than canned foods.
Then, I got the girls to help me organize Devin's closet, her dresser drawers, toy drawers, and the hallway closet. I even unpacked a box that had been closed since before we moved. LOL! I think Mike gained some motivation by this point as he tackled the boys' junk in their rooms. I think we collected 3 full bags of garbage and several boxes.
This evening, Mike started filling holes in the walls with spackling, while I put primer on all (yes, all) the marker, pen, crayon, pencil marks on the walls. Then it was out to the garage to start mixing the paint to paint over. I put 5 coats of pink paint on Devin's wall, but am still having a hard time getting it to cover up the primer/permanent marker. Tomorrow we'll try again.
I had to paint the entire staircase because the girls used Magic Erasers to try to clean off the markings and it faded/smeared/wrecked the paint. So that had to be fixed. By the time I was done covering up the smudges and primer, I had used 4 different colors. Whew!
Then Mike and I (I take very little credit) moved the coat hooks down closer to the door in the laundry room so we could hang the new double hooks down low for the kids to each have their own hook for their coat and backpack. It looks great. Now hopefully that will be more enticing for them to hang up their stuff instead of just dump it in the doorway. That's a daily battle trying to get shoes and coats where they belong. For some reason it's just easier to drop everything when you walk in the door. Once 6 kids have come in, there is NO room to drop anymore. Ha!
With all that being done, along with our typical cleaning, I have not had much time to do anything else. But, I'm certainly enjoying the long weekend (which is going way too fast).