Monday, August 31, 2009
Growing up, my parents traded their vehicles every year or two at the longest. I think that's where this itch of mine comes into place every anniversery of a vehicle I own. The problem I have with this vehicle is the fact that we bought the extended warranty on it. So it would be down right silly of me to actually trade it, since I don't get that money out of it.
In the meantime, I'll keep driving it, in hopes that I fall back in love with it. And I could take a good bet that I will never own a car like this one again.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
if the shoe fits
I guess he decided those shoes were a bit too big for his style right now. Maybe some other day.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
not so beautiful artwork
Friday, August 28, 2009
eyes that hurt and a bomb threat, what more
Mike had gone in for an eye exam on Wednesday and was given some drops to try at home to help with his itching eyes. We first thought maybe he was having an adverse reaction to the drops. I searched the internet and found the side effects to be very similar to the pain he was experiencing. Oddly, the pain didn't start when he started using the drops, so we were hesitant to assume that was the problem.
The pain worsened to the point where he wanted to pull his eyeballs out of the sockets. At that point, I started calling the hospital, except, the hospital didn't answer the phone. I hung up and tried again, no answer. We didn't know what to do next, so we looked up Dr. Jahn's home number. No answer. We tried again, but no answer. I called the hospital again, no answer.
At this point, Mike and I are speechless, and we're not sure what to do. He tells me to call Dr. Jahn's office to see if there is a number on the machine. I do and the number for him is the same one we've been calling. We decide to call Dr. Jones. 3am. We get a hold of her and Mike explains what is going on. Then I hear it.
He had been around the guys at work who were welding and he glanced at it for less than a second. She said over the phone she was pretty sure he had burned his eyes and to put some Refresh PM Lubricant on his eyes and to come see her at 6:30am.
3:15am, I head to Wal-Mart. I try calling my mom because I don't know what to do about my job and about Mike's eyes. No answer. What is it with nobody answering the phone tonight is racing through my head. I get to Wal-Mart and there are about 10 really creepy looking kids/teens hanging outside the door. I was nervous to go in. By the time I get out of my car, the kids are gone. I found them inside. I get the ointment and head home.
Along the way, I see a racoon and 5 very chunky toddler racoons that were very cute. I also did not see any cars. What a change that is for HWY 14!
3:45am, I'm home and getting the ointment in Mike's eyes. I continue to research the welding burns to find out how long he will be in pain and what else could be done. I'm also curious as to the permant effects of this.
4:15am, I finally try to lay down, but I'm so nervous, scared, worried, and wound up that I can't sleep. Mike is snoring, so I feel better knowing he's at least able to sleep. I finally fall asleep for 30 minutes, then the alarm goes off at 5:15am and it's time to get up and get ready for the eye doctor and work.
I'm in the shower and realize to myself, if Mike cannot open his eyes, then he is not able to take care of the two kids. But I'm supposed to have a required training today in Madison. I figure I'll wait and see what the doctor says. I get out of the shower and wake him up. His eyes are red, swollen, very teary, scratchy, burning, but feeling a tiny bit better.
We drive to Brookings and get to see the eye doctor. She examines his eyes and determines he did burn his eyes. She prescribes some drops for him and tells him he should hopefully feel a bit better by evening and if he's not feeling better by tomorrow that she wants to see him back.
I go to work, knowing it's going to be a long day of training, especially with little sleep. Once I get to work and get to the training, I see the school has called and left a message. I assumed it was the lunch lady again wanting money, which I had sent today, so I didn't check voicemail immediately. At a brief break, I check it, and learn that there is a bomb threat in my little town at the post office, but the kids are at school and are ok.
Are you serious? A bomb threat in a town of 1200 people? Wow. By now I am thinking what else can possibly go wrong today? So now I'm worried about my husband and wondering what is going on at home.
Later in the day, we learn the bomb threat was a hoax, which we figured, but still. Crazy crazy.
Trainings are long. I'm tired. It's hard to stay awake, but I manage. I finally finish the day at 4pm and start driving home. Of course it would only be fitting to run into really slow traffic. After following them for 10 miles I finally decide I'm going to pass 3 cars. I get to the third car and they flip on their left blinker. Crap. So I slam on the breaks and slip in front of the other two cars.
The rest of my trip is the same way, I keep running into slow drivers. And I mean people going below the speed limit by at least 10 mph. It was very frustrating.
I know as I'm driving that I will be going straight through to Wal-Mart to buy a few groceries because I want nothing to do with that store this weekend. It's college move-in weekend for SDSU and that means Wal-Mart will be a madhouse!
Wouldn't you know, Wal-Mart is a madhouse today too! There were people everywhere. My few groceries turned into a cart full. I finally get out of the store and of course it's fitting that I get stuck behind slower drivers again.
But I manage, I get home at 6pm. I make supper. I know when I finally sit down and relax, I'll probably crash. It's been a long day for me and a long day for Mike, but he is doing much much better tonight.
I hope tonight is uneventful and that everyone can get a good nights sleep. Assuming I will after being up since 2am.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
beginning flutist
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
do you ever
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
from the mouths of babes, part two
Not My Child! Monday
A bit of a twist today. Instead of doing my typical Not Me Monday, it will be a Not My Child Monday. Mckmama is the creator of this wonderful blog carnival. Hop on over to her site to see what is going on with many other people.
My 2 year old son did not get out of bed at 11:30pm, open his door, and go downstairs and play with the cats, all the while everyone was sleeping.
Two of my boys did not continuously depants each other, giggle hysterically, while my other daughter recorded it on her camera. Said daughter, did not show me the video in hopes of getting two boys in trouble, even though she was the one recording it for over 6 minutes. Not her! (Video was erased immediately upon viewing.)
My child would never beg to eat the brownies that were in the oven, already cooked, but recooking with the plastic lid on top. After peeling the melted plastic off the brownies, my child did not ask again if he could eat the brownies because there was no plastic on them.
A middle son never, ever stuffs his drawers with his shirts just to avoid hanging them up. No way!
A child, not sure which one of the six, certainly did not dump baby powder all over in the bathroom when no one was around.
My youngest daughter did not tell me she "was going potty" to explain why her shorts were wet and then continue to tell me she had gone "in the potty chair", except we were outside. Said daughter, did not have yet, another accident and try to use a similar excuse again.
And finally, my 2 year old son, has most definitely not resorted to calling me by my first name, instead of "mom". Nope, not him!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
joo joo
He needed a diaper change and his butt was a bit sore because of the antibiotics he is on. It gives him looser stools. Anyhow, we were putting the butt cream on him and he kept saying "joo joo". That is usually the sound he says when he wants a fruit snack, so I thought maybe daddy had brought a snack into the room. No fruit snacks. We gave him his paci. Nope that wasn't what "joo joo" was. Tried his blanket. Nope that wasn't it. Daddy went to put the lid on the butt cream and started getting really mad. So he opened it back up and showed it to Jayden. Jayden then stuck his finger into the cream and proceeded to try to put it on his genitals.
He was happy as a clam. That is what he wanted. He wanted to help by putting on his own cream. Now isn't that just cute?!
my dead pan
Friday, August 21, 2009
a lil' luck
Thursday, August 20, 2009
havin a bad day
Those are the words I'm living by today. I'm havin a bad day. I can't even remember where it all started, but sometime at work, things went drastically wrong. I couldn't find my purchase order book, then I almost forgot a meeting which started the very minute I remembered about it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
point A, point B, point C
I picked Jayden up and went back to point A for a quick lunch, a nap for him, and gathered the diaper bag to head back to point C. I took him to the doctor and it was confirmed that he has pink eye in both eyes and sinus infection.
Went to Wal-Mart to get the prescriptions filled and get the oil changed in my car. Wal-Mart TLE (Tire, Lube, Express) will never have mine or my families business again. I start by dropping the prescriptions off at the drive through, then go to TLE to drop off my car. Go through the typical questions and stuff and off to the store I go to shop. Jayden and I wandered around and talked to people I used to work with, threw a few things in the cart, and got his medicines. I went back to TLE to see my car was not there. And the fun begins.
They tell me my car is still in the shop. One guy goes back to see how long it will be, then another guy comes out and says "there's good news and bad news" and proceeds to tell me they didn't "cross-thread, but they don't have a filter". I tell them that's normal because in the past they have had to go to Advance to get the filter. Finally, he calls Advance and find out they are out of one, but have a different one that would work, except they are going to charge me $13.77 on top of the oil change.
I try to tell him I've never been charged extra. Him and I go back and forth quite some time, until I'm getting annoyed and call hubby. In the meantime, he goes back to talk to a manager. I'm now dealing with a little boy who needs his medicine and is crabby and sick of the scenery in TLE. I ask if they have dumped the oil. Come to find out they hadn't. I asked one guy why I was not paged over the intercom and he told me they aren't allowed to page anymore. A bit later, I ask another guy why they aren't allowed to page and he told me "they should have paged you since there was a problem with your vehicle". Other guy says no. This guy says yes.
I gave up and said pull the car out, I'll get this done somewhere else. I was so sick of dealing with the crap.
Back down the road to point A we go. I drop one child off and pick the other up and we drive back to point C. Haircut is in order for her. We get that done and decide to go to a different place in town to get my oil changed. I briefly explain what happened and they take no more than 5 minutes to change my oil.
He comes back inside and I hear him ask for TLE, then for a certain oil filter, then he repeats that number, says ok thanks and hangs up. This very nice gentleman told me he looked up the type of Fram filter for my car and then checked Wal-Mart. Ready for this? They had 13 of those oil filters on hand at Wal-Mart!!! The nice guy tells me they probably just didn't want to change the oil because of the internal filter or the slide plate (or something like that) and told me they didn't have the filter.
Well, I can assure you, I will never even think of having Wal-Mart change the oil in my vehicle.
So we drive back to point A and call it quits for the day.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
get the cats in
Shawndra: "Val, should I make sure the cats are in?"
Me: "sure"
Shawndra goes outside on the deck and hollers for them. A few seconds later, all I hear is a blood curdling scream.
Me: "What's wrong?"
Shawndra: "Macie has a snake in her mouth!!"
I go and loook and I HATE snakes. "Ewwwwwww, MIKE!!!"
Ugh. Yuck. Ew. Disgusting. WHY???? Why? I really hate snakes. It was gross. And there it was, laying on my step inches from my kitchen floor. Dead.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
happy birthday Dalton
Friday, August 14, 2009

Anyhow, back to the actual appointment. We get there at 1:30 and I go plop down in a chair to read a book. It's taking him forever at the window. He turns to me and says, "my appointment was at 9:30." Well, crap. OK, let's go. I guess I'll get out of the Danny Gokey dream for awhile yet.
We roam around to a few rummage sales and found my youngest a great pair of like new sandals for 50 cents! I was so exciting considering our wonderful Wal-Mart can't carry a single pair of sandals in his size through the summer. That's a whole 'nother story.
And the highlight of the evening is making Tuna Helper (gag me) out of a box. Couldn't really find anything else to make. I'm dumping the ingredients in and to my despair, no tuna. Good thing for a little grocery store in my town. Did I mention little? However, they did have tuna. Yay! 2 cans per box. Wow, that seems like a lot of tuna. I decided 6 cans (for 3 boxes) was too much and only put in 4 cans. I go read the box, ya know, because I have to follow basic directions and it says, "for a milder tuna taste, use one can of tuna". Good.
Me: "The box says for a milder tuna taste to use one can of tuna. So that's why the stuff last week tasted so tunaie."
Hubby: "Is tunaie a word?"
Me: "Yep, it is now!" Ha, I told him!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
cracked me up
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
facts about the birthday girl
She came into the world via c-section after sitting breech the entire nine months, weighing in over 9 pounds.
She didn't like her cake on her 1st birthday, but did enjoy sticking her fingers in it.
Turning 2, she sported a pair of fancy blue princess shoes and a matching blue sundress. And her legs could stop the boys then!
Around 3, she was taking a bath. Auntie Vicki and I were talking in the bathroom while she bathed. We were squirting water out of bath toys. The toys had the icky black floaties in them that shot out into the water. Shaylee noticed it. She stood up, on one foot. Vicki and I bust into contagious laughter, tears rolling down our face. As Shaylee goes to get out of the tub, in a very funny way, she screams, "Stop laughing, there's something wrong with me!"
At 3 and 4, she was going to the SDSU preschool where all the teachers just loved her. She was also very close to a handsome boy, Hunter.
At 5, Shaylee entered Kindergarten after just turning 5 a few weeks prior. She thrived on school. The teachers loved her.
When she turned 6, her personality was really starting to take notice. I was seeing sides to her that resembled my own. Both the good and the bad. She also took an interest in T-Ball and swimming.
Turning 7 she still liked softball and had now developed friends whom she played with while we were home. Her love for water is growing every year. Her voice has become more emergent and she sings beautifully.
By 8, Shaylee has become very independent. She loves to play games, play at the park, ride bike with her friends and loves Bratz. Her room is decorated in Bratz.
At 9, she has become developed a hot/cold relationship with everyone around her. She has learned to stand on her two feet and speak her ground. Her singing and acting has become very important to her. She strives to do her best in school and gets excellent grades.
One year ago, turning 10, she moved to a new town, a new school, and made new friends. It taught her how to treat others and how she wants to be treated. Being the new girl, she quickly made friends at school and with the teachers. Her fascination with Bratz is still there, but she also enjoys Webkinz and music. Shaylee has also taken some amazing pictures.
Today marks 11 years. She is a beautiful, mature, intelligent, funny, witty "tween". She is going into 6th grade and shows only positive enthusiasm for it. Today, she got her hair cut and her friends all oogled over it. They loved her hair. They loved her shirt. Her fascination for photography is really
1 year later having moved into a new town, new friends and a new school, I can see she has made it. She has started maturing into lady.
Happy Birthday Shaylee! We love you!
(Blogger is having internal errors and won't post pictures....dangit.)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wordy Wednesday and a Wacky TV
But then, I had a light bulb pop into my head. Literally, I felt it shine bright. Remember, I used to be a CSM at Wal-Mart, and my prior job experience reminded me that I could call them with the serial number and they could get me another receipt! And that's exactly what I did.
The wonderful CSM that I spoke to on the phone called me back and said she had found it. Since tomorrow is a big day (more on that later) at our house, I had to go to Wal-Mart anyhow. When I got there the lovely CSM said she had just learned how to do that last week, so I was lucky. Thank goodness for her!
And the crazy thing is, our IN HOME warranty expires in 7 days. How lucky is that? OK, back to the subject at hand. I get home and Mike calls the toll free number and has a very lengthy conversation with the customer service rep. In the next 24-48 hours we will receive a phone call about when the TV can be fixed and it will be IN OUR HOME! We thought we were going to have to ship it out.
So our sad day, irritating day, which still isn't great, does show light and hope at the end of the tunnel. Now it's just time to get accustomed to watching a dinky box TV. Ugh.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Not Me! Monday
Of course, I would never put my son in little boy underwear, just to see how cute he will look in them. Nope, not me!
While reminising on some old home videoes, I did not become teary eyed and sniffly as I listened to my (then) baby breathe so roughly. And as the camera scanned and I seen his G-tube hanging above him, I definitely did not get even more upset. I mean seriously, a movie would never make me cry like a baby.
I did not stop to take pictures on my way to work of many beautiful nature shots. I did not take over 100 pictures in 10 minutes. And I certainly was not late for work. Nope, not me!
I never cried at work when I got subpeonaed on my daughter's birthday. And I honestly didn't cry even harder that night as I cooked supper because I was so stressed out! Who me?? Never.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
slow cooker blog
Sounds like Not Me! Monday will return tomorrow. I guess that means I better get busy putting mine together. It's been quite awhile since we've done one again.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
big boy
this is how you do it
Friday, August 7, 2009
three more
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
this led to this
This led to....
This led to....
This led to....
This led to....
Monday, August 3, 2009
movie with no sound
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I'm not sure what they found so interesting on there. Dragonflies can be found all over by my office. Sometimes if I'm not paying attention, they can scare the dickens out of me!
(On a very random side note, Blogger is having a mind of its own tonight. I hate it when it does that. OK, thanks, I feel better after sharing that.)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
girls softball tourney
Shawndra waiting patiently to run to third.