Friday, July 31, 2009
few of my favorites
It's no secret that I love cows. I've always loved cows. I collect cows. In fact, when I was 18 my mom was worried my first tattoo was of a cow!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
from the mouths of babes
Lets back up to my drive out to their house. I had gone once that day and then had to make another trip out there to drop some stuff off. Well the second trip needed to be a quick trip as it was almost the end of the day. Low and behold, I run across this in the road traveling at 15 mph in a 65 mph area.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
crazy day at the store
The fun actually started when I got to the checkout. I had a few of my own things to pay for and then I had some tax exempt stuff for work. I was in one line when the manager said someone could help me over here right away. Great! So I mosey on over to another aisle and proceed to dump my stuff onto the belt.
He rings the stuff up. I pay. He rings my stuff up for work and I pull out my PO Book. I don't have a credit card for work. Instead, I have a paper charge book. Well, before I came shopping someone at work gave me the account number I would need at Hy-Vee. After the cashier finishes ringing up my stuff he has no clue what to do, so he calls the manager over. The next guy didn't know how to do a store charge, so another gal comes over. The first guy calls someone else. It ends up being that I cannot do a store charge that I need a credit card instead.
So I call a co-worker who has a card because I don't have my
At this point, I am ready to leave the store. Of course I get stuck behind some lady
Just a question...who isn't in a hurry at 5pm after working all day, spending quality time at the grocery store? OK, never mind.
I follow her, fairly close because I really want to get out of the store, but not close enough to hit the back of her feet. I was watching that closely. We get out the first doors. All is good! Then we hang a right and go out the next doors. She stops. Yep, right there, she stops, pulls out her rain bonnet for her hair and starts to put it on.
I did not have patience for this, so I push my cart around her while she is stopped. Did I mention there were about 3 separate people behind me, also? As I get around her and start turning to go out the last set of doors to the parking lot, she rams into the side of my cart! Can you believe that!!??
I was beyond speechless. Apparently she thought everyone should wait for her instead of going around her and was going to push her way back to the front. I turned around and looked at her like "you've got to be kidding me". You know that look, right?
So out the door I go. Now she's on the move, right on my heels! I feel like I'm being chased by grandma! I get to my car and then she goes to her car and that was that.
Until I spent the next 12 minutes trying to get out onto 22nd Avenue from the exit....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
creepy crawlies
Are you a follower of MckMama's blogs and Tweets, like I am. If you are, then you already know the good news. If you aren't, the good news follows. Stellan is out of immediate danger according to MckMama. He is still very, very sick and awaiting his trip to Boston yet. They are currently at Children's Hospital in Minnesota. Hopefully they can get him there tomorrow. Stellan has already had one ablation in Boston. He needs another one, which could possibly lead to open heart surgery and a pacemaker. He still needs prayers.
Monday, July 27, 2009
all about Stellan

This sweet little boy, who was never supposed to live out of his mama's womb, has almost approached his 9 month birthday, but is now in terrible health. It is extremely bad. Earlier today his temperature was 94, he wasn't peeing, he was swollen, he had cold extremities. He has been in SVT for over 3 days with his small heart pounding at over 220 bpm. He is (again) being air ambulanced across the USA to Boston, where he spent a month in April.
Sweet Stellan has touched thousands upon thousands of people. MckMama writes with amazing style to make everyone feel like we are really a part of the entire MckFamily.
Today I have cried, prayed, and refreshed my computer hundreds of times. I pray God will work a miracle on this little baby and heal his Earthly body. Please stop, and say a prayer as well.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
tubing and boating
Pray For Stellan
Friday, July 24, 2009
fun wedding
Thursday, July 23, 2009
dear Mr. Gardner
Hello sir. Let me tell you that I do not appreciate you moving about on my property without my permission. I also find it very rude that you cut me off today when I was in the middle of doing some very important work.
The fact that you think you rule my lawn and can slither about wherever and whenever you please is not OK with me.
I do not like you Mr. Gardner, nor do I like any of your close and distant relatives and friends. I do not care that you supposedly eat bugs.
I'm sorry that I gave in to you and let out a scream. That only boosted your ego, I'm sure. As you propped your head up high to look back and mimic me, I decided to put a stop to this.
After deciding to kick you out of my life, I do not feel bad that you got ran over by a lawn mower. That will teach you to never ever mimic someone who is in charge of such a life changing machine.
Good bye, Mr. Gardner. It was not so nice to see you again. I hope your friends and family learn a lesson and choose to stay away from my property.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
hysterically near death
My mind was on a one track mission towards a totally different post. Now it's here. With a case of writer's block. Except I think back to some strange occurrences recently this summer.
One....maybe two tonight. One several months ago.
Driving home on the highway earlier this summer, I was cruising slightly fast, but very legal. I promise. I had my cruise set, sun was behind me, it was a great drive home. I found myself between two
As I drive closer, I notice this car is not moving into their own lane and is coming at me head-on. My mind begins to race as I wonder what will I do, where will I go, and why is this car not moving over? More questions spill onto my lap as I
Finally, the car speeds frantically into the other lane, their own lane and I proceed on down the highway thinking that person had to be crazy! Why would they pass when there was a car coming.
But then it dawned on me. I think I knew that person. It really looked like my step-mom, Mary. So I call her. The phone rings.
Mary: "Hello?"
Val: "Hi. Are you driving on highway 14?"
Mary: "Yes, was that you I just about killed?"
Val: "Ummm, ya, what the heck?" (as we are laughing)
Mary: "Well I couldn't see you, you didn't have your lights on."
Val: "It's sunny out, I didn't need my lights on."
That's the just of that. Of all the places in the world to be at that exact moment in time, it was her, and it was me.
Ahem. Let's move on to today. At the girls softball game.
I'm standing there talking to Mary. Remember, my step-mom? We we're looking down at one of my kids talking about how adorable she is. I look up in time to see my ex-husband tossing a softball back over the fence. We we're behind the face. Safe right?
It's then, that he tells me he caught it, or it would have hit my head. He said it was headed straight for my head, but he reached up and caught it.
Can you see where this is going?
Yep, I must say, I think my step-mom brings a near death aura with her when she's by me. Because it certainly would explain the car incident and the softball almost hitting me in the head, while we looked at one of my kids, while we talked about how cute she is. Of course!
So I guess today, I am lucky. I am lucky to be alive. Maybe next time when I am near my step-mom, I will have all protective gear in place.
Whew! With that being said, I will attempt again tomorrow to post my original post from today tomorrow. Make sense?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
atypical tuesday
Sunday, July 19, 2009
all clean
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I do believe I have gotten myself a bit sunburned today, which shouldn't surprise anyone who really knows me. After being outside for over three hours without sunscreen, I guess I can't complain too loudly. It is my own fault.
Tomorrow, assuming the weather cooperates, we will try to complete this project and then post the before and after pictures. There are some unbelievable pictures to prove this. But I cannot tell you too much now because I don't want to spoil the fun. However, if you follow me on Twitter, you probably have figured out what we are up to.
I took a quiz today online about "how addicted to blogging are you" and was slightly impressed by the results. It said I am 77% addicted to blogging. Nooooo, really? Not only do I love to write, but I also love to read about others on their blogs. So I guess I'll agree with that quiz. On that note, it's time for a little boy to go to bed.
Have a good rest of the night!
Friday, July 17, 2009
running like an egg
it was time for a shower for the kids and time for mom to clean up the mess! And what fun they had!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
what are sisters for
Sure was nice of Shaylee to share!
On a bit of a sidenote, I will be testifying in court tomorrow at 9am. Will you say a prayer? It's job related, so I can't say anything, except, the State's Attorney never contacted me to go over questions, so I feel like I'm walking into a blind situation.
Monday, July 13, 2009
yellow and black
It's a phobia. And a very real one. I've had so many people tell me to "calm down" or to "quit acting like that and they will leave you alone". Well it doesn't register in my head that way. My response is to do the complete opposite.
my husband came to the rescue with a can of spray!