Wow, I can't believe we're coming to an end of a fabulous long holiday weekend. It has been so much fun being home with gorgeous weather and the kids who always keep us entertained. I do have several days (lots) worth of pictures to share from the long weekend. Let's just say as of 12:15pm on Thursday, my weekend began. Yay!
And Jayden started with a game of Peek-A-boo through daddy's hat.

We had been talking about putting Jayden into a toddler bed for awhile now, but have always had the fear of how many times is he going to get out of bed and how long will we be patient to deal with it. Our plans were to start on Thursday night and work with him through the weekend when we didn't have to get up early. Well, we forgot to do it on Thursday.
So instead, we took the crib apart on Friday. Here is how it started. This crib has gone through many phases with him. He used to have wood and string about it to allow for his feeding tube to hang above him when he still had to have his tube "to chimney". There have been many nights of checking on him and putting his crib to a slant to try to help his breathing, stuffy nose, and coughing.
We started him out at nap time in his big boy bed wondering how long it would take, like I mentioned above. I only had to put him back in his bed 5 times before he fell sound asleep.

And then, towards the end of his nap, he rolled out onto the floor and did not like it. Poor guy.
The little ones also wanted to color on Friday. Devin made lots of pictures, using the front and back of her paper and Jayden's, when he finished!

And Jayden scribbled using lots of different colors and even let me trace his hand. He was pretty intrigued by seeing his hand on paper. He looked at it for a long time and then laid his hand back on top. It was quite cute.
Today was full of events. We started the day by going to the Easter Egg Hunt at the Swiftel Center. I have to tell you, it was an experience that we had never encountered. Of course, the 4 kids who were young enough to participate were in seperate "pens". Pens you ask? Well they had them fenced off in areas where it was like wild animals inside the pens. Having only 2 adults made for an interesting time watching all 4. My time was entirely spent with the youngest. He HATED this hunt and proved his point! He was fine while we were watching and waiting and I was explaining what we were going to do when it was time. The time came, we went into our pen and I put him down. Can you guess what happened next?
Yep, he threw a fit. He screamed, cried, and threw himself down on top of all the candy. Now the picture below is after the candy hunt. I tried to help him put candy in his basket and just as I thought he was picking candy up to put it in the basket, he threw it at other kids. Well that was the final straw, or so I thought. I took him out, all while the other parents were kind of giving me that "I'm sorry, but what the heck" kind of look. I get him out of the fence and realize he's kicked his shoe off. Thankfully it fell where we stopped. Whew. I was exhausted.
Even through all of that, we managed to take a decent picture.

Devin filled her basket, but not as much as Dalton. His was FULL of candy.
Joseph got a lot too. He even picked something out for Jayden and put it in his basket.

When we got home, we started cleaning. I found myself spraying off the patio furniture with the hose, then Mike said the gutters needed to get cleaned. He planned on doing it, but I was having so much fun with the hose that I volunteered to do it. My fear of heights really got the best of me in the beginning. It took me 5 minutes alone to make the step up onto the roof. Once I was up there, I seemed ok, until it was time to get down again. Yikes!
Happy Easter everyone! The kids woke this morning to find their baskets, although it took them a good hour to realize today was not a normal day. We made a very tasty dinner today for my mom, Craig and my sister. The only one missing was Shaylee. It was really good.
Jayden liked digging through his basket and picking out some candy. I think his favorites were the Smarties or the gummy life saver eggs.

Jayden found his basket behind the couch with a little help from us.

Joseph found his basket in the bathroom way up high on the top shelf. He thought that was tricky and he definitely had the hardest time finding his.

Devin was always too busy digging through her basket to take a decent picture. She found her basket inside the china hutch. Dalton found his basket behind the blinds downstairs. But apparhently he had found it before that, but left it there and was eating the candy from it before we knew he had found it.
And when Shaylee came home, she found her basket tucked behind the towels in the bathroom. She claims that was the easiest place to find it, but it still took her 5 minutes!

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