Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Cutting down the trees
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
HIDA Scan on Thursday
The HIDA scan will start with a saline lock/IV with them injecting the contrast into it. They will scan for an hour, then add some CCK which will make the gall bladder function like she has eaten something. Then they will scan some more while they watch the gall bladder work. After that, she's done. The scan should take about 1 1/2 hours total.
We still haven't heard from the GI doc about a cancellation. Bummer. We're so hoping to get her in sooner.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunny Days
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kite Flying
And Jayden, he just hung out chasing bubbles with the other kids!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Gall Bladder Disease?
I'll start with Shaylee again, since a few things have changed. I spoke to her doctor in depth about what the plan is from here. We have to keep track of when her stomach ache starts, what she has eaten (more specifically if it was fatty) and the time line from when she ate to when it starts to hurt. Basically he wants to know if it could be Gall Bladder Disease, which has been more common in children.
The first step (if she's not better in a few days) is to do an ultrasound of her stomach to make sure there are no abnormalities there. He figured this would come back looking good. Then the next process would be to do a Hydroscan to see how the kidneys and gall bladder are functioning.
We do have an appointment with a Gastroenterologist on June 4th, which is a LONG ways out when your stomach hurts. That was devastating news to Shaylee. Since the appointment is so far out, we are on a cancel list, so hopefully we can get in sooner. Her doctor has faxed her medical records to Sioux Falls to Dr. Nanton's office so he can review the case. This is also Jayden's GI doc, so I'm hoping maybe this will have a little pull, but I doubt it.
I talked to Shaylee's teachers yesterday to find out how she behaves in school and if she complains of being sick. They both said no that she seems fine. She plays and doesn't act sick. I've also noticed this around the house too. As long as she's doing "fun" things, she's fine, but once the chores kick in or it's bedtime, her stomach hurts. It can be quite frustrating for both everyone. I talked to her about that yesterday and she says it's because her stomach hurts after she eats. But we walked to the park right after supper last night and she didn't complain at all once we started going. Before and after, yes.
Last night was a rough night before bed. I ended up giving her a pill that is supposed to stop the spasm's and slow the muscles of the stomach and intestines down. Then she went to bed and I didn't hear another word, so maybe that really helped.
In the meantime....we wait.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Her bloodwork came back and urine test came back looking ok for the most part. He was going to check her for Giardia, which could have explained it because you get that from camping and she does lots of camping with her dad. I remembered taking a stool sample into the hospital at 9pm awhile back and I was almost positive that is what was being tested. The doctor had no lab results saying what was going on, so he had his nurse call. Sure enough, they had already tested her for that the last time this happened.
What's our next step? Well....
Now we try to get her into a Gastroenterologist, hopefully the same one that Jayden sees. They will probably want to do a scope to actually see what her stomach looks like. That bad news...that doctor will not be available for at least another month, possibly two.
In the meantime....she is on two different medications, one to stop the stomach from the spasms and to slow down the stomach and intestines, and two, to coat the stomach and reduce the acidity level. Now we wait.
On a different, slightly random comment, my computer is still in the shop, so there are still no pictures. I'm hoping it will be done this week yet. Sounds like the User Profile was corrupted....whatever that means. Ha!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Blah. Computers.
Speaking of doctors....
Shaylee and I spent 5 1/2 hours in the ER last night. Along with half of Brookings. No, seriously, the ER was full all night. They even had to put patients in the hallway! Anyhow, to make a very long drawn out story, not quite so long, Shaylee has been suffering from severe stomach aches now and then, but consistently for 8 days. However, all the tests they have run say she's fine and none of the medicines help with pain. Not even Vicodin. Yikes! We did have a few laughs in the the guy who kept passing gas next to us. I could keep a straight face, but a 10 year old, that's hard. Or the "lost testicle" that the doctor "can't find" and then hearing my daughter say, "what's a testicle?". Ha! Well, at least at that point some sleepy pain meds started to kick in so we could avoid another puberty lesson. I sure hope they found it though...sounded painful.
Anyhow, that's it for now. I'm sure I'll be back later or tomorrow with something new! :-)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hula Hula While She Waits
Hula Hoop Devin
Friday, April 17, 2009
Really.....A Turkey??
Monday, April 13, 2009
Give me some room
Sunday, April 12, 2009
This, That, and Happy Easter!
And then, towards the end of his nap, he rolled out onto the floor and did not like it. Poor guy.
The little ones also wanted to color on Friday. Devin made lots of pictures, using the front and back of her paper and Jayden's, when he finished!
And Jayden scribbled using lots of different colors and even let me trace his hand. He was pretty intrigued by seeing his hand on paper. He looked at it for a long time and then laid his hand back on top. It was quite cute.
When we got home, we started cleaning. I found myself spraying off the patio furniture with the hose, then Mike said the gutters needed to get cleaned. He planned on doing it, but I was having so much fun with the hose that I volunteered to do it. My fear of heights really got the best of me in the beginning. It took me 5 minutes alone to make the step up onto the roof. Once I was up there, I seemed ok, until it was time to get down again. Yikes!
Happy Easter everyone! The kids woke this morning to find their baskets, although it took them a good hour to realize today was not a normal day. We made a very tasty dinner today for my mom, Craig and my sister. The only one missing was Shaylee. It was really good.
Jayden liked digging through his basket and picking out some candy. I think his favorites were the Smarties or the gummy life saver eggs.
Jayden found his basket behind the couch with a little help from us.
Joseph found his basket in the bathroom way up high on the top shelf. He thought that was tricky and he definitely had the hardest time finding his.
Devin was always too busy digging through her basket to take a decent picture. She found her basket inside the china hutch. Dalton found his basket behind the blinds downstairs. But apparhently he had found it before that, but left it there and was eating the candy from it before we knew he had found it.
And when Shaylee came home, she found her basket tucked behind the towels in the bathroom. She claims that was the easiest place to find it, but it still took her 5 minutes!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So Far....
- Callie
- Sallie
- Cutie
- Beautie
- Simba
- Macie
- Jacie
- Jazzie
- Lacie
- Nala
Any one else have any ideas? Let us know! We're headed to grandma and grandpas for supper tonight, so I'll see if I get an update on here tonight. Otherwise there will be one tomorrow.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Kittens Need Names
I really love to play with my owner's toes.