Then the rest of the evening happened. Well it didn't seem like anything other than normal until Devin started coping an attitude about bedtime and pajamas. I mean it's usually somewhat of a struggle, but tonight she was really fighting. About an hour after she was supposed to be in bed, Mike went to her room and noticed the light was still on. He didn't think anything of it, but he told me she was sitting up. She has no toys in her room, they are all in the closet outside her room. So what was she doing? I went in there and that's when I noticed a strangely sweet smell. A smell similar to lip gloss. Oh wait, it WAS lip gloss...she had put it all over the bedsheets, some on the window sill, on the door knob. So as Mike and I are trying to figure out where she put it, I notice the white door frame and side of the door is GREEN. Green marker. All over. Mike says, "well that's nothing" and he shuts the door. The whole back of the door is green and black. I won't go into detail how mad I was, but between her scribbling on the walls with pencil, the lipgloss, and the marker, mama bear was not happy.
Thank goodness for a treadmil because I was so upset I went and turned my Ipod on, LOUD, jumped on the treadmil and walked, then jogged, then walked and so forth. It was a good work out. Then I got done with that and tackled the messy laundry room, which is also the entrance to our house from the garage, so it's usually pretty cluttered with hats, gloves, shoes, dirt, laundry, garbage, you name it. I got that cleaned and folded clothes and did more laundry.
Speaking of laundry, I had to wash the curtains because Jayden won't stay in his seat at supper time and always wraps himself up in the curtains. I'll just say, you'll have to check back on Monday, for my NOT ME MONDAY. I think this one will be good.
1 comment:
Mike, I think we need grill training! Awesome guy!! Rhonda
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