My husband has started joining me in my efforts of getting into shape. It's only
taken 6 months for him to jump on the bandwagon. He's been walking or jogging with me and even without me and I have to say, it's been nice to have the support. Even the days where I don't feel like getting up to go walk, I still go.
I never regret finishing a workout, but I do regret skipping them.
Tonight we went for a 2.77 mile run and my legs are killing me. We got about half way through and all of a sudden I had sharp pains shooting through my shins. If I can guess, and not being a runner, I'm guessing it's shin splints. So we altered the walking and the jogging. I still pushed myself, even through the pain. As I sit here now, my shins are aching or throbbing. I sure hope I didn't set myself back tonight. Tomorrow nights workout will probably be something different, to give my legs a break. I'm thinking about biking instead.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
losing weight
The best thing about losing weight is when people start to notice. My dad stopped over today and one of the first things he asked me was if I had lost weight. I said I had and he told me he could tell. It feels great. I love feeling the desire to workout and the love to push myself harder. And jogging, who would have thunk it? I love it! Now to keep losing, so my knees don't hurt after I jog. Perseverance!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Shaylee SDVC
After several months of hard practice, today was the first tournament for South Dakota Volleyball Club (SDVC). And what a long day it was! We hit the road at 6:45am and got home at 4:30pm! Shaylee's team played 11 games and took 2nd overall. It came right down to the last point, which they lost. I'm positive they would have won had they not been so tired. They played ball for 8 hours.
Watching Shaylee in volleyball is one of my favorite things to do. She is so strong and can jump so high.
They have another tournament next weekend on Saturday in Madison. Shaylee was so tired when she came home today that she went straight to her room to sleep. She came up to eat and is back there again. She's completely exhausted. And even though I was not the one physically playing, I found myself getting equally tired because of the long day sitting on the bleachers, chairs, and the temp of the gym.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
ice storm
A few weeks ago we got lots of precipitation in the form of very heavy, wet, snow, which later turned to ice. The weight of many branches caused them to break off. Even though the trees were beautifully majestic, they looked sad. These are a few of the pictures I took around the yard with our trees.
Friday, March 16, 2012
- Life is busy, which leads to less blogging.
- I promise to update with pictures of my girls room sometime soon. We haven't done anything more than put the beds in there. Nothing on the walls and no curtains yet, so I'd like to wait for that before I post pictures.
- This weather is fantastic. Lots of time outside and lots of walks. Jayden now rides his bike and removes his hands from the handle bars for a split second, which is followed by me telling him to keep his hands on the handle bars.
- Jayden got a big boy haircut. No buzz cut by dad.
- Shaylee and Shawndra are at a sleepover tonight. Not at the same house, obviously. They have different friends.
- The other kids are at their mom's house. Mike is not back from dropping them off in Watertown yet.
- Dalton lied to me about something major, but I found out the truth. He stole 21 free coupons for donuts from the director's desk. Ugh. He had to return them today when we picked him up and now his backpack has to be kept by her and searched before he leaves the school.
- I'm on track and doing great with my weight loss. Exercising in this weather is so much easier. Shaylee and I even jogged together the other night.
- Shaylee and I are closer than ever and I love that.
- The girls picked up frozen food from the school and delivered it yesterday. They got 30% of the proceeds to help with a band trip in the future.
- Devin got a cute haircut too. It's short and frames her face so she can't eat her hair anymore. Oh and we found her eyes after they cut her bangs!
- Shaylee has her first club volleyball tournament on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.
Monday, March 5, 2012
girls room update
We finished putting the beds together at 11:30 last night. They look really good in there and they are happy with how they look. Today we got the shelf and hanging rack back up in the closet. And now tonight we put another dresser back inside until we can buy some totes and cubbies. I'm really happy with the room and am happy we got rid of the bright teal and purple paint. Did I tell you they chose gray paint? They did. Looks great. Once we are more put together, I will get pictures up.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
productive weekend
We were so busy yesterday emptying Shaylee and Shawndra's room getting it ready for the makeover yesterday. We got everything out, everything painted (with several issues) and then today, I got the final touch ups done and the carpet shampooed. It was a lot of work.
I have also stayed on top of cleaning and laundry while doing the above. I just swept and mopped the floor in the kitchen. It was becoming unidentifiable from dirt! The fan is blowing in the bedroom waiting for the floors to dry.
Mike is working. Since it snowed. :)
I have to get to town to buy another mattress for the new beds. And I've already sold the bunk beds. They sold within a couple hours of listing them. So that was nice. Hopefully tonight we can get the beds put together and within the next couple of days have the finishing touches done. Then I will post before and after pictures!
I have also stayed on top of cleaning and laundry while doing the above. I just swept and mopped the floor in the kitchen. It was becoming unidentifiable from dirt! The fan is blowing in the bedroom waiting for the floors to dry.
Mike is working. Since it snowed. :)
I have to get to town to buy another mattress for the new beds. And I've already sold the bunk beds. They sold within a couple hours of listing them. So that was nice. Hopefully tonight we can get the beds put together and within the next couple of days have the finishing touches done. Then I will post before and after pictures!
Friday, March 2, 2012
At the risk of being brutally honest and writing while I'm upset and having a terrible day, consider yourself warned as to what you will read. It's been one of those days.
Principal calls and says Dalton peed on the baseball field at school during recess. He had to call and tell Mike about it.
I come home from work and see Devin sitting in the window. Except Devin isn't supposed to be in the window, she's supposed to be at BASE, which is the after school program. So I call Mike and ask why she's home and he was shocked and had no idea. I walk in and then see Dalton. He too is supposed to be at BASE. So I asked Dalton what he is doing home and he said the teacher told him his dad called and he was supposed to go home. I call Mike back and he did not call. Next, I tried calling the school, but couldn't get a hold of the teacher, so I called her at home and left a message. I'm still waiting to hear from her.
In the meantime, I figure I should call BASE and find out how they knew the kids wouldn't be there. The director tells me that Dalton came over and told Devin and 2 teachers they were supposed to ride the bus home. While I'm still on the phone with her, I ask Dalton if he told Devin and the teachers this and he said no. So I verify with the director one more time that 2 teachers were told. Dalton lied. I was livid.
I hang up the phone and ask him what the truth is. He just stares at me. Again, I ask for the truth. He said his teacher told him to put his chair on the desk and then he left the classroom and he heard something about "home" or "house". He doesn't remember exactly what she said and also mentioned he may have heard her incorrectly. Hmmmmmm, ya think?
I call Mike because I'm fuming mad over everything. I was already stressed out from trying to find paint colors for the girls room when they picked black and white bedding and of course won't pick a color themselves. I decided Dalton needed to go to his room and sit there until I could calm down or until Mike got home.
Then, I deal with the next issue. Shaylee was supposed to go to a friend's house today to finish up science fair stuff, but when I get home from work, there is Shaylee sitting. Nope, she never went. She said she has to go tomorrow or Sunday. I told her we are working on their room Saturday and Sunday and that won't work. Well her friend decided to send her a text stating she would do all the work if she couldn't come, but she would tell the teacher and her science grade wouldn't look to pretty. That infuriated me! I sent the friend a few texts and finally decided we were going out to her house.
Shaylee and I get to the house and the garage door opens. The dad is standing there. We get out to go get things straightened out, so that neither girl loses points. The dad was smug and cocky. The best part of this, is the older sister came out to fight the battle with the dad, but the actual friend who is involved in this project never came out. Had to have daddy fight her battle I guess.
To have a 13 year old threaten my daughter's grade because she has a project and is threatening to do all the work without Shaylee and then not come out in the garage to figure out a time to work on it was so irritating and immature! If Shaylee had to stand there and work through it, then why didn't the friend. At one point I snapped at the dad, "don't you tell me how to communicate with my family". I was pissed.
Things settled and we had to change our plans to convenience them. Shaylee will be working on it on Sunday at their house. Even typing this I am so upset at how this all went down.
So while we're on our way home, I get a text from the friend who took our cats last night. They found a couple of fleas on them and just wanted us to know. Are you serious!!?? So ya, now we get to treat for fleas on top of everything else.
And now I have kids asking what's for supper, and if they are going to their mom's house, and a husband who is working late, and dogs that are growling, a house that is messy, and a shit ton of work to get done over the next couple of days.
Principal calls and says Dalton peed on the baseball field at school during recess. He had to call and tell Mike about it.
I come home from work and see Devin sitting in the window. Except Devin isn't supposed to be in the window, she's supposed to be at BASE, which is the after school program. So I call Mike and ask why she's home and he was shocked and had no idea. I walk in and then see Dalton. He too is supposed to be at BASE. So I asked Dalton what he is doing home and he said the teacher told him his dad called and he was supposed to go home. I call Mike back and he did not call. Next, I tried calling the school, but couldn't get a hold of the teacher, so I called her at home and left a message. I'm still waiting to hear from her.
In the meantime, I figure I should call BASE and find out how they knew the kids wouldn't be there. The director tells me that Dalton came over and told Devin and 2 teachers they were supposed to ride the bus home. While I'm still on the phone with her, I ask Dalton if he told Devin and the teachers this and he said no. So I verify with the director one more time that 2 teachers were told. Dalton lied. I was livid.
I hang up the phone and ask him what the truth is. He just stares at me. Again, I ask for the truth. He said his teacher told him to put his chair on the desk and then he left the classroom and he heard something about "home" or "house". He doesn't remember exactly what she said and also mentioned he may have heard her incorrectly. Hmmmmmm, ya think?
I call Mike because I'm fuming mad over everything. I was already stressed out from trying to find paint colors for the girls room when they picked black and white bedding and of course won't pick a color themselves. I decided Dalton needed to go to his room and sit there until I could calm down or until Mike got home.
Then, I deal with the next issue. Shaylee was supposed to go to a friend's house today to finish up science fair stuff, but when I get home from work, there is Shaylee sitting. Nope, she never went. She said she has to go tomorrow or Sunday. I told her we are working on their room Saturday and Sunday and that won't work. Well her friend decided to send her a text stating she would do all the work if she couldn't come, but she would tell the teacher and her science grade wouldn't look to pretty. That infuriated me! I sent the friend a few texts and finally decided we were going out to her house.
Shaylee and I get to the house and the garage door opens. The dad is standing there. We get out to go get things straightened out, so that neither girl loses points. The dad was smug and cocky. The best part of this, is the older sister came out to fight the battle with the dad, but the actual friend who is involved in this project never came out. Had to have daddy fight her battle I guess.
To have a 13 year old threaten my daughter's grade because she has a project and is threatening to do all the work without Shaylee and then not come out in the garage to figure out a time to work on it was so irritating and immature! If Shaylee had to stand there and work through it, then why didn't the friend. At one point I snapped at the dad, "don't you tell me how to communicate with my family". I was pissed.
Things settled and we had to change our plans to convenience them. Shaylee will be working on it on Sunday at their house. Even typing this I am so upset at how this all went down.
So while we're on our way home, I get a text from the friend who took our cats last night. They found a couple of fleas on them and just wanted us to know. Are you serious!!?? So ya, now we get to treat for fleas on top of everything else.
And now I have kids asking what's for supper, and if they are going to their mom's house, and a husband who is working late, and dogs that are growling, a house that is messy, and a shit ton of work to get done over the next couple of days.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
sad day
So the other day was a bad day, now today is a sad day. After many months of conversations about this, we finally decided to surrender 2 of our cats to the humane society. Our decision was hard to make and selfless on our parts and was for the better of the cats. You see, they are scared to death of dogs and have been living in the rafters of our laundry room. They come down to eat, drink, and use the litter box and sometimes to spend time with the kids, but they are always on alert.
Things got worse when we adopted Bob. Bob doesn't understand it's not ok to terrorize, chase the cats, and trap them in a corner. The poor cats get so scared and fluffy because they are trapped.
I spoke to a friend at the humane society about it and they were willing to take them on. They need to have a home where there are no dogs. Even then, I think it is going to take some time for them to destress.
When we dropped them off tonight, they had peed themselves in the kennel we transported them in. And we literally had to pull and stretch them to get them to come out. It was incredibly sad. And I cried.
I love these cats, but they deserve live in a home free from stress. I hope and pray they are able to go to the same home, so they can stay together, as sisters, like they are.
Things got worse when we adopted Bob. Bob doesn't understand it's not ok to terrorize, chase the cats, and trap them in a corner. The poor cats get so scared and fluffy because they are trapped.
I spoke to a friend at the humane society about it and they were willing to take them on. They need to have a home where there are no dogs. Even then, I think it is going to take some time for them to destress.
When we dropped them off tonight, they had peed themselves in the kennel we transported them in. And we literally had to pull and stretch them to get them to come out. It was incredibly sad. And I cried.
I love these cats, but they deserve live in a home free from stress. I hope and pray they are able to go to the same home, so they can stay together, as sisters, like they are.
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