Tuesday, February 28, 2012
bad day
I stepped on the scale today after a week long hiatus of eating basically everything in sight. Even while I was eating everything, I was well aware of what I was doing and I could picture myself standing on the scale showing a gain instead of a loss. Reality set in when I seen a huge gain on the scale today. I knew it was coming, so it wasn't a shock, but it still isn't a good feeling. Knowing that I was full aware and still sabotaged tons of hard work. God some days I just want to punch myself.
Even though the scale went the wrong direction today, doesn't mean I am going to piss the rest of this weight loss down my leg. I have full intentions of hitting it hard again tomorrow. I would do it tonight, but I have to start with a fresh day, a new week, and a positive attitude, and tonight I just don't feel positive.
Knowing the kids were getting out of school early today I decided to send the girls a text message and remind them they are in charge and to pick up the house, clean rooms, and to keep busy. Imagine my surprise when I come home and not a damn thing was done. 2 baskets of clothes still needing sorting, a light saber and a small pile of towels on the stairs, toys on the floor, a kids' bathroom that was so messy I couldn't even get the door open. They knew I was pissed and meant business now because it didn't take long for things to get picked up and the bathroom to get cleaned. It's too bad they couldn't do that before I got home in the 5 hours they were home and it had to take me yelling to get it done. Oh and did I mention that I text both of the girls to make sure everyone was keeping busy and they acknowledged me by saying yes. I guess when I got home and seen they had been watching TV, reading, and on the computer, wasn't quite what I had in mind for them.
As I sit here tonight, the kids are yelling, laughing, giving piggy back rides, playing, and just being loud. Even when I ask them to be quiet. I'm just too crabby to deal with it right now.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
tooth update
Friday, February 24, 2012
dentist appointments
Jayden: He still has an extra tooth on the bottom. He is missing two teeth on the top next to his two front teeth. They are not developed, so will not come in. No cavities.
Devin: Teeth are coming in nicely. No cavities.
Dalton: He has a very crowded mouth and does not have near enough room for his teeth. This is nothing new to us. His mouth is visibly small and his teeth are visibly crowded. He needs to have 2 baby teeth on top and 2 baby teeth on bottom pulled to make room for the permanent teeth that are trying to come in. The dentist said pulling the baby teeth isn't going to solve the problem and he will have to have permanent teeth pulled later. We go back down in April to have 4 teeth pulled. Right now we are waiting on the pre-auth from our insurance company to know how much this will cost us. Dalton will also need braces. No cavities.
Joseph: His mouth is much bigger in size, so his teeth are coming in better. There is one tooth that is trying to squeeze in, but the dentist is confident it will straighten out when it comes in. Joseph only has 2 more baby teeth to lose. No cavities.
Shawndra: Braces look good. Teeth look good. No cavities.
Shaylee: She has 3 cavities and will go back down in April to have them filled. She's pretty upset about this because she thinks she brushes her teeth the most often and the best and shouldn't have cavities.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Jayden's 5th Birthday

Happy Birthday little buddy!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
girls' room makeover
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
rough day
This evening turned out much better than the day and I'm so thankful for that. My husband was nice enough to let me stay home in my jammies while he took Shaylee into town for volleyball. While he is in town he's washing our comforter at the laundry mat and we have clean sheets on the bed. It's nice to just hang out here on the couch with my feet up and the dogs beside me and listen to the quiet.
I'm just hoping tomorrow goes better than today because today was dumb.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
my birthday
After we adopted Bob, we went to Runnings and Wal-Mart and to buy him some toys and a dish for his food. We also got him some small treats.
Later in the evening, I made 2 angel food cakes and we had my parents over to have strawberry shortcake. They also gave me exactly what I asked for, a hot glue gun and a gift certificate to Hobby Lobby in Sioux Falls. I have a couple of projects I want to make, but haven't had a hot glue gun to do them. I'm hoping sometime in the next week we can get to Sioux Falls.
To end the night, we watched Dream House. What a strange movie. It was good, but definitely has a strange twist.
All in all, it was a great day. Another year older.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
foster dogs
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
We got word on Monday that Bob was adopted, but his forever home wouldn't pick him up until Friday, so we are still fostering him. Then Bob got really sick and started exhibiting all kinds of weird behavior, quit eating, shaking, lethargic, so we had to take him back to the humane society for the vet to look at him. They found nothing wrong with him. He's fine now. Spunky as ever. And leaving us tomorrow. We are sad and hope he is going to a good home.
I had Jayden's IEP meeting today. He will still continue to receive Speech therapy twice a week. He can make many sounds, but it all falls apart in conversation. He will still get Early Childhood as well.
I talked to several teachers of our children today after hearing from another parent that Dalton cried twice at school today. It was interesting to learn that he has been much more emotional the last couple of weeks and cries very easily. Today it was over spilled milk, yesterday it was a conflict with a friend who I have learned today isn't a good influence. We believe part of the reason he has been so emotional is because he didn't get to see his mom the last weekend because there wasn't enough room in the vehicle that grandpa picks them up in. Typically Shawndra stays home, but this time she wanted to go. So it was hard for him. We have talked to him tonight and hopefully things will settle down.
My dad and stepmom headed to Florida this week for a couple of months. They thought they had a place to stay, but it turns out they were scammed. Yes, they had already wired the money down. It's a bad deal. In the midst of trying to get to a friend's house in Florida, they came upon the traffic jam from the bad accident in Florida. They were at a standstill for 3 hours.
Devin's finger is still healing. We thought the nail was coming off a few days ago, but it's still attached. She still complains it hurts. And we are still working with the school and getting the bills paid for this ordeal. Things are looking up in that area after a visit with the principal today.
And that about covers it. The weekend is bringing a basketball tournament for the girls and Club Volleyball practice for Shaylee. Otherwise, not much happening here!