A few weeks ago, Jayden made a pile of leaves and was kicking them around and throwing them up in the air. He had a lot of fun and his giggle could be heard by the neighbors.

Mike has been busy helping his dad in the field for the last month. They have finally finished up corn and are now starting to do their own tiling. One day, I got to ride in the tractor with him for the day. It was fun, but my butt was sure sore by the time we were done! Here we are watching his dad go ahead of us while we waited for him to come back on the other side.

This was our ride, or should I say Mike's ride. The auger is 24 inches, so it didn't take more than a minute to fill the semi-truck when we were full. It was a fun process to watch.

As the sun set and the combine still rolled, the view became really magnificent.

I stumbled upon this adorable donkey on a gravel road one day. He let me take many photos of him. What a fun creature they are!

As for me, I'm still battling a cold. It's mainly turned into an annoying cough more than anything. Devin got hit in the mouth with the car door and had to have her lip stitched. They were removed yesterday and looks like there will be minimal scarring. Dalton went to a birthday party last night where he got to shoot a bb gun, a bow and arrow, and swing from willow tree branches. Joseph has been sick with the pukies for a couple of days. Shaylee and Shawndra have been busy with volleyball games this week. And Jayden, well he's just been full of chatter.....constantly.