Man oh man, you better enjoy these pictures because it took two hours to get them to download. It's a good thing I'm a multi-tasker and can keep up with uploading, kids, and cooking supper all at the same time! Up first, is the hippo, which was one of the very last things we saw on the 3rd day at the zoo. He was inside the Lied Jungle and was neat to watch, even though he was slow and eating.

My beautiful daughter, Shaylee, stopping for a pose inside the jungle and a very narrow, rickety, rope bridge. I of course, stayed off of that bridge. I prefer to have my two feet planted firmly on ground that is safe.

We got lucky and got to see the baby, or should I say
babies. I didn't realize there were two babies until I got home and started sorting through pictures and found this one with two little heads. See them both?

Sweet Devin and Jayden looking like they're up to some mischief. I have no idea what they were looking for, but every single time I tried to get them both to look at me one would and the other wouldn't. I ended up with this classic. They were inside a museum sitting inside an old jeep.

Shawndra and Shaylee inside the bird area. This was really cool too. There were baby ducks, flamingos and all sorts of birds that I didn't recognize. We walked through bridge type walkways as we looked at the birds. I also noticed tons of bird poop and was ever so thankful that none of that gooey white stuff landed on me!

It was hot and the chairs at the zoo provided some much needed rest occasionally and obviously a few funny photos as well. I love how Shaylee is posing so nice, yet Mike is making a face and then Shawndra is oblivious. Guess that's what a phone does to a pre-teen.

Jayden is
so genuinely happy here. I love how it looks nothing like him, yet being in the moment, he was in pure bliss as he was riding on a train. He was so excited for the train every time it came through the zoo.

The giraffes were awesome. They had exhibits outside and inside. This one kept cleaning his nostrils, one at a time.
Meet the driver and the organizer, otherwise known as dad, Mike, mom, or Val. You pick. Oh and it's a self portrait. Not bad considering my camera is bulky and hard to hold backwards.

Did I mention it was
hot? Because it was. The kids found some running water and a small waterfall to splash around in. Mike and I sat in the shade and took the above picture. Before I knew it, we had 3 soaked kids. Dalton had been dunking his head in the water. At least he stayed cool!

Dalton and Joseph taking a pose on one of the many animal statues. Joseph wanted his picture taken on every single one. I started to, but it got old quick.

From youngest to oldest, including one who hates having his picture taken, especially in groups, meet my children.

The fish were crazy. They were like big goldfish that you would have in a tank, but they went bananas over any food pebbles that were dropped in the water. And they were huge!

Here is the train heading away from Jayden. This is the train we rode on. And like I said earlier, he loved it.

Watching the train come around the bend.
Overall, the trip was amazingly fun. We spent four hours at the zoo the first day, six hours the second day and then on the third day we spent about two hours there and then headed to an IMAX Tornado Alley film.