Whatever is going on around here sure is catchy! I have heard of so many people who are sick with the stomach flu, but that it's really fast moving. I have to agree. It comes on so fast you have about 30 minutes warning. Seriously. And it's gone about 12 hours later.
Jayden was sick Tuesday. Shawndra was sick last night. Mike got it in the middle of the night and now Joseph just came home from school after getting sick.
I'm still praying I can avoid this one. Yuck. No fun for sure.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Christmas concert and sickness
The elementary Christmas concert was tonight. It was fun to see the kids sing the songs and all the cute actions that went with them. I have pictures, but haven't uploaded them yet.
Jayden is feeling much better. He stayed home with daddy yesterday and was fine all day, so he went back to daycare today and got to go to the Children's Museum with his preschool class. He was sure excited.
Shawndra has started puking tonight and her stomach hurts so bad she thinks she's going to die, or at least that's what she tells me. Stomach aches are the toughest to deal with because there isn't a lot you can do for them, especially when vomiting accompanies it.
Jayden is feeling much better. He stayed home with daddy yesterday and was fine all day, so he went back to daycare today and got to go to the Children's Museum with his preschool class. He was sure excited.
Shawndra has started puking tonight and her stomach hurts so bad she thinks she's going to die, or at least that's what she tells me. Stomach aches are the toughest to deal with because there isn't a lot you can do for them, especially when vomiting accompanies it.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Jayden is sick
This morning started out completely normal with Jayden bouncing around before the sun was up and asking for breakfast the second he hears someone stirring. That all changed when I got a call from his preschool teacher and they said he was feeling feverish and had spit up some. I talked to them for awhile about how it's very hard for Jayden to puke because he has a stomach wrap done. I left it at that and carried out a sick little boy.
About 5 blocks later I could hear gurgling in the backseat and knew exactly what it was. Jayden was vomiting in the car. And he continued to do so the entire way back home. I didn't know if I should stop or keep going. I knew there was nothing I could do if I stopped, so I kept driving. I feel bad for making him sit in it, but just didn't have the means to clean it up on the side of the road.
We got in the house and got him stripped down and into the bathtub. He sat there not really moving or saying anything. I washed his hair and got him out and he was covered in goosebumps, so I knew he was cold. He started to shake and shiver. I got him dressed in some jammies that were comfortable and put him to bed. He said he was tired. I gave him a bucket in case he got sick again. Before long I could hear that sound, so I went and checked on him and sure enough he was puking again. I rinsed out the bucket and brought it back.
15 minutes later I thought I would check on him. He was laying in bed throwing up. All over the bed, his jammies. Ok since I started this paragraph I have had to clean this up 3 more times. I've lost my thoughts.
Jayden has it coming out of both ends and is mad on top of it, so it's making this really challenging. Not to mention I'm running out of clean sheets and blankets. Got to run. Say a prayer for him!
About 5 blocks later I could hear gurgling in the backseat and knew exactly what it was. Jayden was vomiting in the car. And he continued to do so the entire way back home. I didn't know if I should stop or keep going. I knew there was nothing I could do if I stopped, so I kept driving. I feel bad for making him sit in it, but just didn't have the means to clean it up on the side of the road.
We got in the house and got him stripped down and into the bathtub. He sat there not really moving or saying anything. I washed his hair and got him out and he was covered in goosebumps, so I knew he was cold. He started to shake and shiver. I got him dressed in some jammies that were comfortable and put him to bed. He said he was tired. I gave him a bucket in case he got sick again. Before long I could hear that sound, so I went and checked on him and sure enough he was puking again. I rinsed out the bucket and brought it back.
15 minutes later I thought I would check on him. He was laying in bed throwing up. All over the bed, his jammies. Ok since I started this paragraph I have had to clean this up 3 more times. I've lost my thoughts.
Jayden has it coming out of both ends and is mad on top of it, so it's making this really challenging. Not to mention I'm running out of clean sheets and blankets. Got to run. Say a prayer for him!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
giving away grapefruit
We spent quite a bit of time on Friday night and then again on Saturday morning preparing to give away mass quantities of grapefruit. We went through all of our bags, plus the bags that people brought on Saturday morning. Several cars filled up their trunks and backseats to the top with bags of grapefruit.
One friend of mine came with her husband and bagged up bag after bag of fruit. I learned later that they delivered 500 pounds of grapefruit to one of the dairy farms they own for the workers there to enjoy. She said all of the grapefruit were gone within 2 hours.
Another friend filled her entire car up to take the to Brookings Habitat Restore to give away as customers came in.
A third friend came and also filled up her car and trunk and delivered bag to more than 20 families here in town.
My friend's mom took 13 bags to give to the assisted living center where she works, to neighbors who live on a low income, and to her own family. She was extremely grateful and felt so blessed.
There were other friends who came and appreciated the opportunity to pick out grapefruit for their own families to enjoy.
Towards the end of the giveaway yesterday, we had 2 men from a local colony show up with boxes. They filled the boxes and filled the back of their truck. When asked what they owed us we said absolutely nothing. One of the men asked if he could bring us a smoked turkey, to which we said sure. Later last night, Mike received word that 2 more colonies want to come get grapefruit today.
We are down to 1/4 of a truck full of fruit and a big cow water bin. I have also contacted 2 local churches in attempt to give them fruit to giveaway.
It has been such a good feeling to know that these fruits could have all been dumped at the landfill, but instead will be going to many people who were so appreciative to receive them. Whatever isn't gone by the middle of the week will likely go to the landfill, but I'm guessing that after the colonies are done there won't be much left.
One friend of mine came with her husband and bagged up bag after bag of fruit. I learned later that they delivered 500 pounds of grapefruit to one of the dairy farms they own for the workers there to enjoy. She said all of the grapefruit were gone within 2 hours.
Another friend filled her entire car up to take the to Brookings Habitat Restore to give away as customers came in.
A third friend came and also filled up her car and trunk and delivered bag to more than 20 families here in town.
My friend's mom took 13 bags to give to the assisted living center where she works, to neighbors who live on a low income, and to her own family. She was extremely grateful and felt so blessed.
There were other friends who came and appreciated the opportunity to pick out grapefruit for their own families to enjoy.
Towards the end of the giveaway yesterday, we had 2 men from a local colony show up with boxes. They filled the boxes and filled the back of their truck. When asked what they owed us we said absolutely nothing. One of the men asked if he could bring us a smoked turkey, to which we said sure. Later last night, Mike received word that 2 more colonies want to come get grapefruit today.
We are down to 1/4 of a truck full of fruit and a big cow water bin. I have also contacted 2 local churches in attempt to give them fruit to giveaway.
It has been such a good feeling to know that these fruits could have all been dumped at the landfill, but instead will be going to many people who were so appreciative to receive them. Whatever isn't gone by the middle of the week will likely go to the landfill, but I'm guessing that after the colonies are done there won't be much left.
Friday, November 25, 2011
I'm used to having my plans in the winter changed because of the weather with Mike's job. What happened today though I wasn't prepared for. My plans changed because of grapefruit. We were supposed to go to Sioux Falls to finish shopping fairly early this morning, but after Mike received a phone call that there was a rollover on the interstate plans changed.
The driver of a semi fell asleep and hit a guard rail, later swerving and then rolling over, spilling his loaded trailer of grapefruit all over the median and road.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
time change
I really dislike time change as an adult. It doesn't mean we get an extra hour of sleep. What it really means is that my kids internal clocks haven't changed meaning they will wake up at 5am for the day. After many attempts at telling them it was still dark out and it was still bedtime, I crawled out of bed, crabby none the less. Oh well, I've gotten a ton of housework done this morning.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A few weeks ago, Jayden made a pile of leaves and was kicking them around and throwing them up in the air. He had a lot of fun and his giggle could be heard by the neighbors.
Friday, October 14, 2011
I'm sick and just in time for the weekend. I feel so tired, my throat hurts and my nose is stuffed up. Hopefully I can get some rest this weekend and be ready for the week ahead. 4 of the kids are going to their mom's house, so it will just be Shaylee and Jayden home with me this weekend. She came home sick from school today after she threw up, so it sounds like a good resting weekend. Jayden is also coughing and having a runny nose.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
it's been awhile
I have been neglecting my blog for awhile now, 9 days to be exact. Just using the time to reflect to myself, make some changes in my life and all for the better, and trying to decide where to go from this point with this blog. On top of everything, Mike's back is out again, plus he's working in the field for his dad so I've been on "everything" duty.
I also can't blog for crap on my computer because the keyboard is shot and only picks random letters to type. It's a very tedious process to type a word, wait to see what letters appear, then backspace and attempt to fix it. Maybe someday I will have money to buy a new one. HA!
I also can't blog for crap on my computer because the keyboard is shot and only picks random letters to type. It's a very tedious process to type a word, wait to see what letters appear, then backspace and attempt to fix it. Maybe someday I will have money to buy a new one. HA!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
brutal honesty
I hate anxiety. Social anxiety. Any anxiety. I also hate my "e" on my keyboard because it sticks or it doesn't work. That's beside the point. Except for it makes my typing on here take much longer and makes me much more frustrated.
I have terrible anxiety that I have had for years. The fear of being judged, fear of being talked about, fear of not doing things right and facing consequences and the fear of what others think of me. I've always felt this way, but it's so bad that I don't go out with friends, avoid many situations where I may have to talk to someone, and would much rather be at home. I believe this has gotten worse over the years as I have put on weight and my self esteem has been demolished. Then when I add backstabbers and judgemental people into the equation that brings out even negative feelings.
I even feel judged in my own church, which I haven't been to yet this year. And I think this sucks. My youngest tells me that's our church when we drive by it, but I cannot bring myself to walk through those doors.
Today was a rough day. I was confronted on something that happened over a year ago. And it was something that was so petty I was shocked it came up. I did nothing wrong in this case. Whatever it was doesn't matter, but what matters is how this person made me feel. I felt like crap, like everyone was looking at me and like people have been talking about me. I felt naive. Good thing I have one good person I can talk to, who helped me stay calm and just walk away from it. After all, I am the better person in this case. I walked away and tried to keep my head held high. It sucked.
I look at myself in my job. I am a professional who many people look up to. They rely on me for advice and resources. They call me a teacher. They say they don't want to lose me. They like me. I can honestly say I am good at my job and I am able to look like the strong person that I desire to be. So what's different? Is it that I am a person within an entity...my employer? Is it that I can relate to so many people? How can I be two different people? The person I am in my job is not like the person I am at home. Doesn't that mean I am two-faced? Why can't I see the good in myself and build on that in my personal life?
These questions plague me. They eat me up. They make me think. I think I need to get a life. Literally. And start living. Because this being that I am living in now isn't life. Somethings got to give.
I am not going to proofread this post because I will delete it all. Instead, I have typed with an open flow of words coming straight from my conscious.
I have terrible anxiety that I have had for years. The fear of being judged, fear of being talked about, fear of not doing things right and facing consequences and the fear of what others think of me. I've always felt this way, but it's so bad that I don't go out with friends, avoid many situations where I may have to talk to someone, and would much rather be at home. I believe this has gotten worse over the years as I have put on weight and my self esteem has been demolished. Then when I add backstabbers and judgemental people into the equation that brings out even negative feelings.
I even feel judged in my own church, which I haven't been to yet this year. And I think this sucks. My youngest tells me that's our church when we drive by it, but I cannot bring myself to walk through those doors.
Today was a rough day. I was confronted on something that happened over a year ago. And it was something that was so petty I was shocked it came up. I did nothing wrong in this case. Whatever it was doesn't matter, but what matters is how this person made me feel. I felt like crap, like everyone was looking at me and like people have been talking about me. I felt naive. Good thing I have one good person I can talk to, who helped me stay calm and just walk away from it. After all, I am the better person in this case. I walked away and tried to keep my head held high. It sucked.
I look at myself in my job. I am a professional who many people look up to. They rely on me for advice and resources. They call me a teacher. They say they don't want to lose me. They like me. I can honestly say I am good at my job and I am able to look like the strong person that I desire to be. So what's different? Is it that I am a person within an entity...my employer? Is it that I can relate to so many people? How can I be two different people? The person I am in my job is not like the person I am at home. Doesn't that mean I am two-faced? Why can't I see the good in myself and build on that in my personal life?
These questions plague me. They eat me up. They make me think. I think I need to get a life. Literally. And start living. Because this being that I am living in now isn't life. Somethings got to give.
I am not going to proofread this post because I will delete it all. Instead, I have typed with an open flow of words coming straight from my conscious.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
wedding fun
The wedding we went to outside yesterday was beautiful and full of people. In fact, so many people that it was impossible to see the bride's dress! Even when she came into the reception the place was so packed I still couldn't see! The kids had fun outside after the wedding. They made trains and chugged around the grass.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Jayden preschool
I finally got my blog to a point where I am happy with it again. Yay! We've been a busy crew as I'm sure you can understand being a family of eight. Jayden had a rough day at open house for preschool resulting in a tantrum or laying on the floor the entire time. After thirty minutes I had experienced enough and left. The tears ran down my face uncontrollably for over 20 minutes. I was so frustrated and embarrassed and confused. I had no idea if I should spend the money on preschool or put it towards something else. The question of paying for him to have tantrums and not enjoy himself was tough.
I sent a long email to the mentor teacher. She replied with some encouraging advice. I talked to Jayden ALOT about his feelings, being happy, being scared, the new classroom, new teachers, but also how fun it would be and how he really did want to play. That night we talked, the next morning and even when I picked him up to go to preschool. He said he was happy and I was hopeful.
Jayden and I went into the room. He held my hand, but thing were going ok. He picked out his name tag and then we sat at the art table where I helped him cut. Jayden ended up having a great day! He was quiet at first, but after about 20 minutes he warmed up and started to smile and laugh. I pray next week goes as well as last Thursday. Things will be a bit different because daddy will be taking him instead of me. Hopefully Mike can handle it all and Jayden will be fine.
Last night we went to Flandreau for a wedding rehearsal supper. All of Mike's family was there so it was a big get together. Today is the wedding and it looks like it will be a glorious day. I plan to take a few pictures tonight, so will share soon.
I sent a long email to the mentor teacher. She replied with some encouraging advice. I talked to Jayden ALOT about his feelings, being happy, being scared, the new classroom, new teachers, but also how fun it would be and how he really did want to play. That night we talked, the next morning and even when I picked him up to go to preschool. He said he was happy and I was hopeful.
Jayden and I went into the room. He held my hand, but thing were going ok. He picked out his name tag and then we sat at the art table where I helped him cut. Jayden ended up having a great day! He was quiet at first, but after about 20 minutes he warmed up and started to smile and laugh. I pray next week goes as well as last Thursday. Things will be a bit different because daddy will be taking him instead of me. Hopefully Mike can handle it all and Jayden will be fine.
Last night we went to Flandreau for a wedding rehearsal supper. All of Mike's family was there so it was a big get together. Today is the wedding and it looks like it will be a glorious day. I plan to take a few pictures tonight, so will share soon.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I've been avoiding the whole blogging thing lately because I have honestly felt burned out from it. I haven't used my camera for much since the birthdays have passed and haven't made it to any games yet. It's tough to make those when they start at 4 or 5pm out of town. There are only 3 home games. :( We'll see if I can come up the desire to continue this blog soon.....until then....
Friday, August 26, 2011
it's back...sort of
So I was finally able to find the newer template to my blog and miraculously the blogs I read and twitter all showed back up! There's still work to be done, but at least I can see everything on here now. Oofta and the font is really small and things are a bit crooked, but I'll get that fixed...soon...I swear.
Shaylee and Shawndra have their first volleyball game in Howard tomorrow. Not sure if I will be able to make it. Honestly, finances are a bit out of control right now and I don't think I can spare the extra gas money. :( Sad I know. I'm sure they will do well and they will tell me all about it if I don't make it there.
We're also getting up super early tomorrow to go put a recliner on a friends rummage sale that we have been trying to get rid of. I'm really hoping that sells because I'm tired of it sitting in my garage.
This weekend is also another family reunion at Oakwood Park. I guess we'll see how the weekend pans out whether we get over there or not.
Shaylee and Shawndra have their first volleyball game in Howard tomorrow. Not sure if I will be able to make it. Honestly, finances are a bit out of control right now and I don't think I can spare the extra gas money. :( Sad I know. I'm sure they will do well and they will tell me all about it if I don't make it there.
We're also getting up super early tomorrow to go put a recliner on a friends rummage sale that we have been trying to get rid of. I'm really hoping that sells because I'm tired of it sitting in my garage.
This weekend is also another family reunion at Oakwood Park. I guess we'll see how the weekend pans out whether we get over there or not.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Bummed. Just realized I have lost the list of all the blogs I like to read and had listed on my blog. I remember some of them, but others I don't. :(
Monday, August 22, 2011
under construction
In attempt to make some changes to my blog, I got a little click happy and ended up deleting my entire blog. It was all blank except for the background. I've spent almost two hours messing with it. Until I figure out how to get things back to normal, it will be under construction. Blah. I guess I'm just very happy that I didn't lose all of the posts for good. For awhile, I thought they weren't coming back. As it stands right now, I don't have my Twitter information or the Feedjit on there. Neither are life or death....
Going back to work tomorrow, so it could be a few days before you see many changes.
Going back to work tomorrow, so it could be a few days before you see many changes.
Friday, August 19, 2011
It's been a busy week in our house again. We celebrated Dalton's birthday on Monday.
On Tuesday we went to Sioux Falls for dentist appointments for all 6 kids. None of the kids had cavities once again!! Shawndra got to adult teeth pulled which we planned on doing. She did not develop 2 adult teeth on top, so they had to pull 2 adult teeth on the bottom so her braces can pull her teeth together for her bite to line up. Braces get put on Monday morning.
Wednesday I worked a long day and Mike went to the farm to work, which left me busy when I finally got home from work. Shaylee and Shawndra were nice and cooked supper...chicken nuggets and frozen sweet corn. Thanks girls!
Thursday I worked a long day again and Mike also went to the farm until the combine broke down. I made 3 homemade pizzas, which is the typical amount for our family. He came home after supper was done and cleaned up. We got the kids to bed and I went to bed too!
That brings us to Friday. So far so good. I have to say it's been a crazy week at work. I wish the crisis' would stop, as it makes my work life much harder. Not much for plans this weekend that I know of. And that's my kind of weekend!!
On Tuesday we went to Sioux Falls for dentist appointments for all 6 kids. None of the kids had cavities once again!! Shawndra got to adult teeth pulled which we planned on doing. She did not develop 2 adult teeth on top, so they had to pull 2 adult teeth on the bottom so her braces can pull her teeth together for her bite to line up. Braces get put on Monday morning.
Wednesday I worked a long day and Mike went to the farm to work, which left me busy when I finally got home from work. Shaylee and Shawndra were nice and cooked supper...chicken nuggets and frozen sweet corn. Thanks girls!
Thursday I worked a long day again and Mike also went to the farm until the combine broke down. I made 3 homemade pizzas, which is the typical amount for our family. He came home after supper was done and cleaned up. We got the kids to bed and I went to bed too!
That brings us to Friday. So far so good. I have to say it's been a crazy week at work. I wish the crisis' would stop, as it makes my work life much harder. Not much for plans this weekend that I know of. And that's my kind of weekend!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Pheasants Game
Last weekend we went to a Pheasants game and it was so fun. 19 of us were able to use the Coca-Cola Suite. There was food to eat, drinks, plus we could sit inside the suite in the A/C or outside. The night was gorgeous, so we were outside except when we went in to get more food.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Happy 9th Birthday Dalton
There once was a day when I met this little guy who was 2 years old, but soon turning 3, who later became my step-son. Dalton rode this truck out at grandpa and grandma's until he was way to big to be in it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Just in case you've ever wondered what those noisy bugs look like that you hear at various times through the day...
Ok, carry on.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Happy 13th Birthday Shaylee
13 years ago today my first born, beautiful, loved, amazing little girl was born weighing in at 9lbs 7 ounces and full of love for the world.

Now......just because you are an official teenager doesn't mean you have to cause me to grow gray hair....just sayin. :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
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