Today's post is a special treat. It was a part of my crazy day, just one small part. Project 365 is supposed to remind me of my day later in life if I were to look at it. However, I didn't want to limit this post to one picture only.
My boss and I were conducting a mini investigation and were headed back to the main office. I never have my boss with me in the vehicle. How ironic that I did today. Anyhow, I had just turned off the main road onto a side street driving toward the office, when a bright red Grand Am came flying around the corner headed straight towards me, head on. Literally! I can't remember what I screamed at that moment, but I remember slamming on the breaks and steering to the right as hard and as fast as I could. The snow on the side of the road wouldn't let me go much farther. As I watched this Grand Am come beside me I think I raised my leg to avoid being hit. Kind of funny how that works, as if raising my leg would help my van to not be hit! Next, I heard the funkiest sound as we had gottten hit on the side. I watched in my side mirror thinking, holy crap, this guy isn't stopping! He went sideways in another "s" shape and hit the vehicle on the other side. He slammed so hard into that one it lifted it up and flipped it completely around in the parking spot and settled it on the sidewalk. Did he stop? Nope, he then bounced off that one and swiped the one next to it and proceeded to fly out onto the main road.
My initial reaction was he had to be drunk, stoned, or having a medical problem. I noticed him in the apartment building next to the parking lot. He had pulled in around the corner, stopped and was checking out his damage. I started saying, "There he is, what is he doing? as I called 911. Next thing I noticed, the car was gone and so was he. So I took off down the street to get a glimpse of the direction he had gone. Luckily I got his license plate as he came around the block. I think he knew he was caught because he came back, stopped and got out, saying, "Nobody's gonna get in trouble are they?"!! Oh my gosh, this guy just smoked 3 vehicles, wasn't trying to stop, and tried to leave the scene. Well you all know me, I looked at him with the most dumbfounded look and said, "You hit these vehicles, so YOU will be in trouble."!! He didn't even realize he had hit them or how many. I showed him the one he flipped around, and he asked me if the damage was bad. At that point, I gave up on him and told him to go look at all the damage.
Some guy from the Colony came driving by and said, "That guy is crazy. CRAZY." I have to admit, this guy was the weirdest looking person, who spoke strangely and was definitely not in his right mind. WOW.
The car in the middle WAS facing the apartment complex.

The back view. The passenger side is mangled.
This was the car parked next to it that he hit after the Impala.
And this is my work van. I ended up with a 2 1/2 foot
long scratch.
So all in all, considering he was coming at us head on, we got very lucky. My boss and I got in the car after everything was taken care of and we kept laughing because she thought the guy was going to shoot us and here I am bitching at him about him causing the accident. She's cowering in the hood of her coat and I'm all bold and straight forth coming! I was not able to get pictures of his car. The front end was badly beaten, hood was crumpled, and headlights or one knocked out.